One-servo biped in progress. I hope no one beats me to it...
No takers, so I roughed out a quick breadboard late last night. One servo, one hour, two paperclips and some scrap styrene & superglue later, it "walked".
I proudly showed the twins today. Lindsey said, "That's not very cool." Those four words hurt more than you can imagine...
Thanks for your kind words of re-affirmation, lads. And yes, the rigor mortis biped will tackle the figure 8 whenever I can fit a controller to it. I design around those $1 servo testers just to get things moving, as I did with Turtlebot.
Cool find erco! Those guys are smart cookies. Lots of great videos on that page too! My seminary was just north of U.C. Berkeley. I want to go visit now!
Don't know how I missed your earlier walker either. You know I would have and DO NOW give you a big thumbs up! - "A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home." Mark 6:4
My seminary was just north of U.C. Berkeley. I want to go visit now!
You can also see Brett the robot when you visit UC Berkeley. A new video from May of Willow Garage's PR2 robot. And yes, it uses at least 2 servos so it is exempt from the one-servo challenge.
Another 1-servo "biped", a walking breadboard. The rear-mounted servo is not actually touching or dragging on the ground, it's just down low for the most efficient geometry.
Thanks for the feedback guys. My simpleton stuff walks the fine line between clever and stupid. I'm too close to it to tell, so it's helpful to get some input from you boys. Can't always trust my twins' opinion, my stuff is up against some pretty stiff competition, pink glitter ponies, flying fairies and such.
As one of my favorite VPs used to say, "My definition of a well-informed man is someone who agrees with me. "
Re: flying fairies; I assume everyone has seen this sad but hysterical video?
I'm surely going to h3!! for laughing at that first video! Perhaps I can be redeemed by enjoying the second one on a far more intellectual level. Nice work, erco!
Synonyms Examples Word Origin
producing offspring, young, fruit, etc., abundantly; highly fruitful:
a prolific pear tree.
producing in large quantities or with great frequency; highly productive:
a prolific writer.
profusely productive or fruitful (often followed by in or of):
a bequest prolific of litigations.
characterized by abundant production:
a prolific year for tomatoes.
Also of interest to me is this quad walker kit I just found. It's "dumb", has one motor and only walks in a straight line. It would probably not be a good candidate to try to make turn since the legs are mechanically phased to move in an X pattern. The legs move much like Theo Jansen's Strandbeest, but unless I'm way off, this geartrain uses noncircular gears to get a faster return stroke to pick up the leg and move it forward. Check the video from 2-12 seconds. At $18 it's overpriced compared to the $6 Spider Robot kit but I'll eventually get one for my walker collection since the mechanism is unusual.
I proudly showed the twins today. Lindsey said, "That's not very cool." Those four words hurt more than you can imagine...
Your video is a bit old by now, but I just saw it. You know, you could make it "cool" by adding a low-density foam jacket of an Easter Island Moai:
These "walked" too, but with the help of people. There was a great documentary a while back where they figured out how they did it. (The answer turned out to be facepalm-simple -- it's all in the center-of-gravity of the stone monument.)
Cool simple walking bot video to. I am trying for something novel and a bit more mechanical for your Tower of Hanoi challenge!
No takers, so I roughed out a quick breadboard late last night. One servo, one hour, two paperclips and some scrap styrene & superglue later, it "walked".
I proudly showed the twins today. Lindsey said, "That's not very cool." Those four words hurt more than you can imagine...
Don't know how I missed your earlier walker either. You know I would have and DO NOW give you a big thumbs up! - "A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home." Mark 6:4
You can also see Brett the robot when you visit UC Berkeley. A new video from May of Willow Garage's PR2 robot. And yes, it uses at least 2 servos so it is exempt from the one-servo challenge.
This could be posted in the Halloween project thread too!
As one of my favorite VPs used to say, "My definition of a well-informed man is someone who agrees with me. "
Re: flying fairies; I assume everyone has seen this sad but hysterical video?
Synonyms Examples Word Origin
producing offspring, young, fruit, etc., abundantly; highly fruitful:
a prolific pear tree.
producing in large quantities or with great frequency; highly productive:
a prolific writer.
profusely productive or fruitful (often followed by in or of):
a bequest prolific of litigations.
characterized by abundant production:
a prolific year for tomatoes.
Actually, that exact challenge crossed my mind yesterday when I saw Phil's disks that need no post. Would make it easier for such a beast.
Prolific is as prolific does! You have been highly productive friend - Thanks for sharing it all here - great Servo article too!
Also of interest to me is this quad walker kit I just found. It's "dumb", has one motor and only walks in a straight line. It would probably not be a good candidate to try to make turn since the legs are mechanically phased to move in an X pattern. The legs move much like Theo Jansen's Strandbeest, but unless I'm way off, this geartrain uses noncircular gears to get a faster return stroke to pick up the leg and move it forward. Check the video from 2-12 seconds. At $18 it's overpriced compared to the $6 Spider Robot kit but I'll eventually get one for my walker collection since the mechanism is unusual.
Your video is a bit old by now, but I just saw it. You know, you could make it "cool" by adding a low-density foam jacket of an Easter Island Moai:
These "walked" too, but with the help of people. There was a great documentary a while back where they figured out how they did it. (The answer turned out to be facepalm-simple -- it's all in the center-of-gravity of the stone monument.)