Great use of a 3D printer, the good 3D printers are expanding in so many industries. Anyone here wanna go in on a high end 3D printer? We can keep it at my place
Having spent many an hour in veterinary waiting rooms, I can attest that animals suffer with infinitely more dignity than we humans could ever muster. And to see even dignified suffering relieved, as this video so aptly illustrates, is heartwarming to the max! A naturally happy dog made even happier? How does it get better than that?!!
Great use of a 3D printer, the good 3D printers are expanding in so many industries. Anyone here wanna go in on a high end 3D printer? We can keep it at my place
@xanaduL Sure, but only if you promise to use it regularly, I don't want our investment rusting away in a dusty corner.
@PhiPi: Eloquently worded and poignant, as always!
I can attest that animals suffer with infinitely more dignity than we humans could ever muster.
I once met a young guy, in his twenties, who was a victim of thalidamide. He had no arms, just malformed hands sticking out of his shoulders. He played the drums. If you said such a thing to him you would probably have come out the worse off.
@xanaduL Sure, but only if you promise to use it regularly, I don't want our investment rusting away in a dusty corner.
@PhiPi: Eloquently worded and poignant, as always!