Anyone Running Activity Bot on Mac 10.6.8?
HI, Just wondering if anyone here is running the Simple IDE on a Mac running 10.6.8? I could run it on my 12 core Mac pro in Yosemite, but that's where I do all my business related 3d modeling in Lightwave. I try not to install any 3rd party software on it that is not specific to my business. My other old 64 bit intel Mac is an iMac on my electronics desk. That's where I run my arduino stuff. Being by all my test equipment, and all things electronic, that's where I'd like to run my Activity Bot. Only have 3 gigs of ram in that machine though, so upgrading to Yosemite may be a problem. any input would be great. Thanks. Also which version of Simple IDE is the most stable to install on a Mac?
SimpleIDE 1.0.1 (RC1) 'should' run on 10.6.8 and it has a much better installation experience than previous versions. It keeps all of its toolset inside the application bundle rather than placing it in the /opt/parallax/bin path, which is not optimal. I would just give it a try! Get the latest version from:
With an older iMac, configured with 3GB, I think Yosemite mat NOT be to your advantage. But, upgrading to a 10.7 (Lion) version of Mac OS X could make things easier. There are a lot of newer features & updates of existing features in Lion that make your older Mac work in a world where Mavericks/Yosemite are predominant on newer CPUs (i.e. you'll be able to access more interactivity between your Yosemite and Lion CPUs). You may also want to upgrade to 4GB (a fairly inexpensive upgrade).
You'll need to make sure to download FTDI drivers if you have not as Mac installs of SimpleIDE do not contain them!
OK thanks. I'll see if it will run in 10.6.8 before I do anything. Should have it built by this weekend.
Built? Do you mean SimpleIDE (it's just a download) or the ActivityBot?
Best of luck!
The Activity Bot. Got it for Christmas, and just have not had the time.