M. Ibrahim Khalil
Posts: 4
Can anyone have idea about the mapping programming in C?
Can anyone have idea about the mapping programming in C?
Mapping in robotics is a pretty broad topic.
Have you seen this post? I thought it was a great example of mapping with a robot.
Been doing a lot of IFR training up there
My flight school, Pinnacle Aviation at KCRQ may very well be interested in it, I will ask them.
I need ADS-B or TIS-B over LA county under the hood. ATC has been great, my safety pilot is a daydreamer though. I've had too many close calls up your way, the flying part and IFR procs are easy in comparison to the mindset of getting though there. I'll try not to hit your house.
I'll be at Pinnacle Academy on Friday and run it by them.
Thanks... I didn't have any idea about such an intelligent person who exist at this forum.
You're welcome, and good luck.