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Getting started with the Spinneret — Parallax Forums

Getting started with the Spinneret

MJHanaganMJHanagan Posts: 189
edited 2015-01-06 11:56 in Accessories
Just got a Spinneret 32203 but cannot seem to find any "getting started" documentation. The Parallax website has only the basic white paper available as a download - no SPIN code. I checked on OBEX and see some code available but the "how to" documentation is lacking. I downloaded some of this code and got the IP address and port number to show up on the Parallax Serial Terminal screen and get itself into the listening mode. However, I cannot successfully connect to it via the UDP or TCP tools on my PC.

There must be some Spinneret 101 out there that takes you from package to demonstrating back and forth communication via the net. Can someone point me in the right direction?


  • MJBMJB Posts: 1,235
    edited 2014-12-26 13:04
    How the heck do you get started with Spinneret?
    By jnankin in forum Spinneret Web Server
    Replies: 30
    Last Post: 10-29-2014, 11:14 PM
    Help getting started with Spinneret
    By macrobeak in forum Spinneret Web Server
    Replies: 9
    Last Post: 10-09-2014, 08:41 AM
    Getting Started with Spinneret
    By bgreer5050 in forum General Discussion
    Replies: 1
    Last Post: 07-25-2012, 03:22 AM
    Need some help to get started with my Spinneret
    By Don M in forum Spinneret Web Server
    Replies: 7
    Last Post: 07-11-2011, 07:34 PM

    Spinneret Web Server Geting started help
    By chris jones in forum Spinneret Web Server
    Replies: 29
    Last Post: 02-18-2011, 04:31 AM

    sorry, the links don't work - but search might help
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2014-12-26 16:30
    Eighth thread title back in the forum and I have "server image available" that does quite a bit more than "demonstrate" but I guess that's too far back to look.
  • MJHanaganMJHanagan Posts: 189
    edited 2014-12-26 18:33
    Eighth thread title back in the forum and I have "server image available" that does quite a bit more than "demonstrate" but I guess that's too far back to look.

    Most of the the posts in this forum point back to which on my Explorer and Chrome browsers come up as "Page not available".

    Any other suggestions?
  • MoskogMoskog Posts: 554
    edited 2014-12-27 04:14
    MJHanagan wrote: »
    Most of the the posts in this forum point back to which on my Explorer and Chrome browsers come up as "Page not available".

    Any other suggestions?

    I think that was a site MikeG used to post his spinneret files earlier. Later he placed them at
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2014-12-27 07:56
    MJHanagan wrote: »
    Most of the the posts in this forum point back to which on my Explorer and Chrome browsers come up as "Page not available".

    Any other suggestions?

    How about my suggestion? But if you want to browse to a server then go to although at the moment it's a WIZ5500 on my IoT5500 modules that's running but otherwise it works the same. Look at the link in the thread mentioned or go to my Dropbox files (in my sig) for a Spinneret image/

    If you use Chrome you can also FTP with it quite nicely, so try
    Telnet to on port 10001 for a bit of fun.

    I may fire up the Spinneret tomorrow but as I said it works the same.
  • MJHanaganMJHanagan Posts: 189
    edited 2014-12-27 08:43
    Moskog wrote: »
    I think that was a site MikeG used to post his spinneret files earlier. Later he placed them at

    I found this site early on in my search and it seems to have nice coding examples. However, I'm so new to this I cannot seem to make heads or tails of how to use it effectively. I got as far a loading the TCP demo onto the Spinneret and the code reports all is well on the serial terminal display. However, I cannot seem to "connect" to this device and send it any data and have it echo it back. I found a nice YouTube video by Jeff Brill which demonstrates both the TCP and UDP code being used but there is no troubleshooting included.

    If my memory serves me (and it may not) I recall reading a pdf off the Parallax website that describe in some detail how to setup the Spinneret on your LAN and served up a default file that displayed "Hello World" to any device entering in the private IP address in their internet browser. It was this documentation that convinced me this could be a very handy thing to have so I could communicate with my Propeller via the internet. I cannot seem to find this little gem anywhere. I am not a programmer but can usually pick through enough basic code examples to get things working. I am having difficulty in finding these very basic 123 steps to getting the Spinneret up and talking to my internet browser. I scoured the google W5200 site looking for documentation but it seem like all that is available is SPIN code and there is very little documentation within this code for the absolute beginner.

    If someone could point me to something very simple like "Spinneret for Dummies" I would be most appreciative.
  • Peter JakackiPeter Jakacki Posts: 10,193
    edited 2014-12-27 16:06
    MJHanagan wrote: »
    Just got a Spinneret 32203 but cannot seem to find any "getting started" documentation. The Parallax website has only the basic white paper available as a download - no SPIN code. I checked on OBEX and see some code available but the "how to" documentation is lacking. I downloaded some of this code and got the IP address and port number to show up on the Parallax Serial Terminal screen and get itself into the listening mode. However, I cannot successfully connect to it via the UDP or TCP tools on my PC.

    There must be some Spinneret 101 out there that takes you from package to demonstrating back and forth communication via the net. Can someone point me in the right direction?

    HELLO???? Fully interactive console, web server, file system, FTP, Telnet.......etc.....just be polite enough to say you read that and you are looking for something nowhere near as powerful but more difficult to get working....
  • mklrobomklrobo Posts: 420
    edited 2015-01-06 06:36
    HELLO???? Fully interactive console, web server, file system, FTP, Telnet.......etc.....just be polite enough to say you read that and you are looking for something nowhere near as powerful but more difficult to get working....

    I would buy a spinnerette just to run Tachyon Forth on it. Are there any books that you can recommend to begin to
    grasp Tachyon Forth? I love the potential of the Forth you have created. Great Job! Thanks. :)
  • MJBMJB Posts: 1,235
    edited 2015-01-06 09:41
    mklrobo wrote: »
    I would buy a spinnerette just to run Tachyon Forth on it. Are there any books that you can recommend to begin to
    grasp Tachyon Forth? I love the potential of the Forth you have created. Great Job! Thanks. :)
    check out Peter's signature links, there is all and more than you need.
    Including links to historic FORTH books.
    It's fun to read und dive into a world of thinking, that is a little different than the computer science mainstream today.
  • MJBMJB Posts: 1,235
    edited 2015-01-06 11:56
    mklrobo wrote: »
    I would buy a spinnerette just to run Tachyon Forth on it. Are there any books that you can recommend to begin to
    grasp Tachyon Forth? I love the potential of the Forth you have created. Great Job! Thanks. :)
    why would you buy a Spinneret if you can buy Peter's new IoT5500 module with the WIZ5500, which is faster.
    The module is smaller and has more free IOs.
    ... sorry Parallax ... maybe a Spinneret2 with a W5500, SPI, lots of free IOs in breadboard friendly DIP instead of the strange 2mm connector, no wasted pins for LEDs just use a 595, would be great.

    those links are different, even if they look the same !!
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