Elev8v2 esc problem
During another test this morning I had problems with trying to keep a stable hover. It kept drifting in the direction of the #4 motor. The last hover was at about six feet when it suddenly flipped and landed in a nearby apple tree that ate a set of props.
Now when I throttle up to 25% things all seem fine until about 40% throttle when the #4 motor suddenly stops then gives two or sometimes three beeps and refuses to spin. It turns fine by hand.
Power cycling will fix it for a minute or two then it happens all over again. Then when I take it outside(it was 41f) it will not work. Take it back inside and let warm up then it will work then quit again.
Could this be a failing esc or am I doing something wrong?
Now when I throttle up to 25% things all seem fine until about 40% throttle when the #4 motor suddenly stops then gives two or sometimes three beeps and refuses to spin. It turns fine by hand.
Power cycling will fix it for a minute or two then it happens all over again. Then when I take it outside(it was 41f) it will not work. Take it back inside and let warm up then it will work then quit again.
Could this be a failing esc or am I doing something wrong?
It has been suggested to let the ELEV-8 acclimated to the outside temperature for 10 minutes before you fly. This allows the Gyro to compensate, (only what I have read).
In the case of my toy ominus quad that may true. If I try to fly in temps lower than 25f it will not stay level and randomly drifts in different directions.
See the flying guide on Learn for more flight tips: http://learn.parallax.com/multirotor-flying-guide
I tested the original motor and esc directly hooked up to receiver and it works just fine. The new motor and esc worked when I checked for the correct direction of the motor just before the test flight.
I replaced one of the extension wires that had nearly twice the resistance than the other two wires, thinking that may have had something to do with this problem.
So... now I'm at a loss as to what to check next. I'll check #4 directly with receiver again just make sure, I'll do that tomorrow.
Strange problem indeed.
Since you replaced the offending ESC/Motor combination, and you tested the original combination to be good, the only thing I can think of is a bad controller. The HoverFly Open does have a voltage translator from the Prop to the servo lines.That may be suspect.
When you say you checked the resistance on the servo line, what measurement were you getting on the two?
I'd ask Parallax to get a replacement Hoverfly board, and send yours back for testing . Looks like they still have 21 in stock.
BTW, did you reflash the firmware on the HoverFly just to be sure you have the latest and greatest?
Could this problem been caused from having the power wires to close to the esc?
It was the extension wires running from the esc to the motor. I got 0.6 ohms on two of the wires and about 2.0 ohms on the one I replaced.
I did another test with a fully charged battery with it held down with a hard cover book. I ran it for 6 minutes at about 75% throttle which took the pack voltage down to about 11.6v with it unplugged.
I hope I'm safe in saying that I may have fixed it. Now all I need is a warm place to fly and finish fine tuning things.
I don't think so. All my RC aircraft have power and ESC's and Servo wires in close quarters. You can't get away from it in air planes. The Quads are spread out more.
So you think the new servo cable solved it?
Running it at 75% throttle while held down seems kind of hazardous
I'll have to wait for warmer weather to really give it a workout to be 100% sure that I really did fix it. Now that I re-read my posts I'm wondering
if trying to fly out in the cold was cause of this weird problem.
You said you had a cable with high resistance, I'm wondering if there is condensate forming and oxidizing the connectors?
You also said moving things around helped. That could mean you have a bad connection somewhere. Are your connectors nice and shiney?
Dan, I think this is a cold solder joint. Everybody has this problem sooner or later.
If it turns out you have a problem we should fix, just drop me a message and tell me what parts you need. We'll keep you in the air.
Ken Gracey
Last weekend I posted a youtube video of how it was acting.
It's at the very end of the video.
When I first encountered this problem I first thought it might of been a bad flight controller because the esc's would work when hooked up directly to the receiver. But now today I have two
esc's that twitch regardless of what they are hooked up to.
I'm hoping somebody will watch the video and give me suggestions on what to test next.