Gripper routine help (Gripper Kit #28202)
Posts: 4
I have a Boe-Bot with a gripper kit, and I need to program a simple task to pick up a golf ball, proceed to a station, and drop the golf ball on a target. Any suggestions? Time is a limitation, thus I am turning to the experts on here.
WRT dropping the golfball, might I humbly suggest preloading the gripper with a spring or rubber band so it grips the ball even with the servo turned off? That way, you can just focus on reading sensors and driving instead of refreshing your gripper servo. It will work the servo harder when opening up, but that's ok.
The issue with rigging up a rubberband is that that will help keep the gripper arms closed, but the servo will still drop and the item will just be dragged on the ground. I understand that I can just make sure the servo keeps reseting in every function of the code, it's just that I'm not sure if there is an easier way than just putting:
PULSOUT 14, 900 (14 is my servo pin, 900 is the value of close)
NEXT every function in my coding.
Or, add 2 rubber bands.