Propeller Project Board, 32810 back in stock
David Carrier
Posts: 294
The Propeller Project Board, part number 32810, is back in stock. It has been updated to remove the XIN connection between the QuickStart header and the Propeller Microcontroller, so I/O pin activity cannot cause clock skew. It also has a higher current switch for enabling and disabling USB power.
David Carrier
Parallax Inc.
David Carrier
Parallax Inc.
Is there else any major changes compared to the "old" one`s?
After reading the other thread again, it looks like the remaining VGA-issue on the Rev B boards was related to the XIN connection.
I'm curious to see how the new USB power switch works.
It works just like the old one. The only effect of the higher-current switch on the Rev C board is that if you go over current, and your USB port cuts power due to over-current detection, it will likely save the board. With the switches on the Rev A and B boards, a short over-current condition could damage the board.
David Carrier
Parallax Inc.
It's still out of stock, according to the web site:!?highlight=32810
No problem and Happy New Year Leon!
The problem occurred at higher resolution on the VGA. It should still work at lower resolution.
I guess I remembered wrong. (See Dave's post below).
Post #25 from Kevin Cook. I guess it may be unreliable unless you get the resolution correct, (hit or miss).
Also, the fix on the older board is in Post #31