Toddler Board Power Question
Does anyone know what the absolute maximum voltage is that can be applied to the Toddler Control Board without frying anything? 6V just does not seem to cut it for the most basic walking tasks and I want to use a couple of my 3,7V batteries to give it more oomph!!!
I have been using the NiZn (1.6 volt) cells with very good results:
You may want to look at a 5 cell battery pack:
Not sure how that fits the Toddler.
I like Jim's suggestion of NiZn batteries, but I have not tried them myself. Likewise, his suggestion to add a 5th NiMH cell has merit.
Lately all my small bots have run directly off of a 3.7V LiPo or Li-Ion cell (servos get 3.7V direct) and I use a dollar USB 5V booster for electronics & sensors. Works perfect on small bots, but Toddler servos may pull more current than this setup can deliver.
Ironically, I'm building interesting new bots weekly, more than ever, but they are now for work, not hobby and I'm not free to share.
Edit: If you're VERY careful you could try running one 14500 (AA-sized) Li-Ion cell with one, or possibly two NiMH cells to get around 6V, but per Jim, servos can get damaged much above 6V. That's a bit half arsed though, not a good long term solution.