how to send data through PC to boebot using eb500 bluetooth
Posts: 9
I am a beginner and I have a code in C++(in .net using OpenCv) that calculates distance value.Now I need know how to communicate this value to the boebot using basic stamp2 program through eb500 Bluetooth.Please mention that it support real- time scenario so that the boebot travels that much distance after receiving it from PC. Please provide a detailed description of steps/code that has to be implemented.
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Please allow enough time for people to respond as you have asked for a lot of information with many involved procedures.
Do you have a working Bluetooth dongle installed on the PC? If not, you only have 50% of the hardware required. You might consider starting with an Android device or a notebook computer that already provides Bluetooth rather than shopping for more hardware.
Getting any further depends on what device you are using and which OS.
I use Linux and I know that I have to verify devices support Linux. Maybe, you will have better luck in Windows, maybe not. I dunno what OS X is up to.
No its a bigger project titled "Gesture Controlled robot"
Your in-built Bluetooth on the PC also substitutes for a wired serial communications (COM) port. A program, like your C++ program, can open an I/O stream to the COM port and send and receive data from it using standard C++ I/O. You do have to configure the serial port so that the Baud and other features match the EB500's configuration. You could use 9600 Baud, 8 data bits and no parity, but 2400 Baud is more reliable and I'd stick with that for now.
Read the EB500's documentation thoroughly and look at the sample code provided. Also review the Stamp Manual's chapters on the SERIN and SEROUT statements.
You mention that your C++ program uses floating point. Remember that the Stamp does not handle floating point. It uses 16-bit integer arithmetic. It would be easiest for your C++ program to convert your floating point values to some kind of meaningful integer values for transmission to the EB500 and Stamp.
I suspect this would be easier in OS X or Linux that some sort of Windows. Your reference to .net seems to imply you are using Windows. Someone else will have to help you with that. And, you will have to compile your C++ in Windows as well.
In sum, you will be learning a lot in PBasic on the BoeBot side, and a lot in C++ on the Windows side.
All of the data avalable is at:
You will have to write the C++ for the PC.