And of course, altitude measurements with a GPS have an error in the range of meters+.
You are correct Cody. GPS stinks at altitude, that's why HoverFly uses MaxBotix ultrasonic sensors for altitude hold. Not sure how they work in an acoustically noisy environment.
I would use a Laser Range Finder instead. Even barometric might fail because of the pressures generated in ground effect.
If money is no object, you could get the HoverFly Pro with GPS combo system:
I believe Parallax is working on it's own board for the Elev8, and no doubt will be Open Source. This will allow a lot of experimentation.
The HoverFly Open does not support Altitude Hold, contrary to the manual. You need a Hoverfly Sport, (not sold anymore), or the Pro.
Check the ongoing Elev8 threads for ongoing firmware collaboration.
You are correct Cody. GPS stinks at altitude, that's why HoverFly uses MaxBotix ultrasonic sensors for altitude hold. Not sure how they work in an acoustically noisy environment.
I would use a Laser Range Finder instead. Even barometric might fail because of the pressures generated in ground effect.
Looks like a nice unit, but nobody here has played with it AFAIK. The optional GPS is available at Parallax: