S2 Education Resources
Educational and Other Resources for the Parallax S2:
This thread is dedicated to Educational resources for the Parallax S2. I will also include other S2 info of interest.
It is a work in progress! I invite others to add their material as a reply (and I will move it this top post) so that folks can quickly and easily access the material.
Please remember that GUI Program Maker resources for the Scribbler (original Blue) can be used for the S2.
Ken's thread here - http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php/157731-S2-S2-Robot-Communication-Using-GUI-need-more-ideas... and the responses there (especially Andrew's suggestion) were the seed for this resource thread.
Educational Ideas and Resources:
Ken's Educators' Course:
Ken Gracey has a great report about the largest class for teachers that Parallax has ever held! Here is a link to the post -http://www.parallax.com/news/2014-10...-stem-teachers
There is also a link for GUI Code he and others wrote for this class and other presentation materials and resources. You can download it here -http://www.parallax.com/downloads/s2...s-course-files
Parallax S2 Video Tutorials:
Getting Started with the S2 Robot GUI (Parallax Learn site tutorial)
Scribbler Robot Pen Lifter Hack Video (YouTube)
S2 Messenger Robots (Parallax Learn site tutorial)
Scribble your Name with the S2 Robot (Parallax Learn site project)
S2 Robot Hokey Pokey! (Parallax Learn site tutorial)
Christmas Scribbler (Learn.Parallax.com_
Robots for Beginners Workshop:
The Robots for Beginners Workshop by Neil Rosenberg (Learn.Parallax.com)
Nikos Giannakopoulos' Resources:
Scribbling sport team logos with S2, using Microsoft Excel (Forum Thread)
Synchronize 4 S2 Robots with a Leader using GUI - Post 7 (Forum Thread Resource)
Synchronize 4 S2 Robots with a Leader using GUI - Post 19 with video and code (Forum Thread Resource)
“Alphabet for S2”: a collaborative project (Forum Thread Resource)
Advanced S2 pen lifter kit (Forum Thread Resource)
"The Evdokias Zeibekiko" music in S2 GUI code (Forum Thread Resouce)
Hardware Hacks:
Rich Harman (W9GFO) Resources:
“Parallax S2 internal Penlifter mod” from Rich Harman (W9GFO) (Video)
Savage Circuit's Resources:
“Savage Circuits TV Episode 9” from Chris Savage - Pen Lifter (Video)
Nikos Giannakopoulos' Resources:
Advanced S2 pen lifter kit (Forum Thread Resource)
This thread is dedicated to Educational resources for the Parallax S2. I will also include other S2 info of interest.
It is a work in progress! I invite others to add their material as a reply (and I will move it this top post) so that folks can quickly and easily access the material.
Please remember that GUI Program Maker resources for the Scribbler (original Blue) can be used for the S2.
Ken's thread here - http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php/157731-S2-S2-Robot-Communication-Using-GUI-need-more-ideas... and the responses there (especially Andrew's suggestion) were the seed for this resource thread.
Educational Ideas and Resources:
Ken's Educators' Course:
Ken Gracey has a great report about the largest class for teachers that Parallax has ever held! Here is a link to the post -http://www.parallax.com/news/2014-10...-stem-teachers
There is also a link for GUI Code he and others wrote for this class and other presentation materials and resources. You can download it here -http://www.parallax.com/downloads/s2...s-course-files
Parallax S2 Video Tutorials:
Getting Started with the S2 Robot GUI (Parallax Learn site tutorial)
Scribbler Robot Pen Lifter Hack Video (YouTube)
S2 Messenger Robots (Parallax Learn site tutorial)
Scribble your Name with the S2 Robot (Parallax Learn site project)
S2 Robot Hokey Pokey! (Parallax Learn site tutorial)
Christmas Scribbler (Learn.Parallax.com_
Robots for Beginners Workshop:
The Robots for Beginners Workshop by Neil Rosenberg (Learn.Parallax.com)
Nikos Giannakopoulos' Resources:
Scribbling sport team logos with S2, using Microsoft Excel (Forum Thread)
Synchronize 4 S2 Robots with a Leader using GUI - Post 7 (Forum Thread Resource)
Synchronize 4 S2 Robots with a Leader using GUI - Post 19 with video and code (Forum Thread Resource)
“Alphabet for S2”: a collaborative project (Forum Thread Resource)
Advanced S2 pen lifter kit (Forum Thread Resource)
"The Evdokias Zeibekiko" music in S2 GUI code (Forum Thread Resouce)
Hardware Hacks:
Rich Harman (W9GFO) Resources:
“Parallax S2 internal Penlifter mod” from Rich Harman (W9GFO) (Video)
Savage Circuit's Resources:
“Savage Circuits TV Episode 9” from Chris Savage - Pen Lifter (Video)
Nikos Giannakopoulos' Resources:
Advanced S2 pen lifter kit (Forum Thread Resource)
Add this link from Phil Pilgrim to the list above.
It regards calibration - http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php/143526-S2-Calibration?p=1139222&viewfull=1#post1139222
Add this from Nikos to the list above.
Printing and solving Neils Rosenberg maze for the S2 robot. - http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php/158239-Printing-and-solving-Neil%E2%80%99s-Rosenberg-maze-for-the-S2-robot.
Follow up on this from Ken about the GUI running on Mac - http://forums.parallax.com/showthread.php/158255-S2-GUI-running-on-Mac-using-Wine-Bottler
Thanks Pal! It is fixed.