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Xbee to Xbee Communication // Propeller Activity Board // 2-axis Joystick // C — Parallax Forums

Xbee to Xbee Communication // Propeller Activity Board // 2-axis Joystick // C

arlandiantoarlandianto Posts: 8
edited 2014-10-31 04:57 in Accessories
Hi all,

First of all, I'm quite new to Propeller Activity Board and XBee but I'm quite familiar with C programming.
Right now, I have 2 Propeller Activity Board, 2 Xbee 802.15.4 modules, and a 2-axis joystick.

Then I'm stumbled upon this website:
And I would really love to try this with my Activity board but in C Language instead of SPIN Language.

I've followed this tutorial as well:
Which is very nice, but I am still can't figure out how to communicate between two activity board in C language.

Any suggestion or help perhaps? There are no many learning tutorials using Xbee and Propeller C that I aware of...
Thank you!


  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,211
    edited 2014-10-28 22:34
    If you're familiar with C, porting from Spin should be no trouble at all -- dig in and have some fun. I don't like C very much, but I understand it well enough to port C programs to Spin all the time. Essential programming concepts apply across languages.
  • GenetixGenetix Posts: 1,758
    edited 2014-10-29 02:14
    Propeller C is only a year old so that's why most of the code is still in Spin.
    This might help:

    What exactly is it that you want to do? Usually one device with be the base unit and the other the remote. For example controlling a robot with the joystick.
    This might help but all the examples use Spin.

    Here are some other examples:
  • ValeTValeT Posts: 308
    edited 2014-10-29 04:01
    Hi all,

    First of all, I'm quite new to Propeller Activity Board and XBee but I'm quite familiar with C programming.
    Right now, I have 2 Propeller Activity Board, 2 Xbee 802.15.4 modules, and a 2-axis joystick.

    Then I'm stumbled upon this website:
    And I would really love to try this with my Activity board but in C Language instead of SPIN Language.

    I've followed this tutorial as well:
    Which is very nice, but I am still can't figure out how to communicate between two activity board in C language.

    Any suggestion or help perhaps? There are no many learning tutorials using Xbee and Propeller C that I aware of...
    Thank you!

    The following code will allow you to remote control your ActivityBot over XBee wireless. I am going to write a tutorial for this soon; sorry I don't have it done yet!

    Use this link to setup the joystick module.

    Please connect the Joystick to A/D pins 2 and 3.

    Here is my code for the Activity Board ( transmitter ):
    //ActivityBoard code here
    #include "simpletools.h"                      // Include simple tools
    #include "fdserial.h"
    #include "adcDCpropab.h"
    fdserial *xbee; //Initialize the full-duplex serial connection over XBee
    int main()
      xbee = fdserial_open( 9, 8, 0, 9600 ); //open the serial connection
      adc_init( 21, 20, 19, 18 ); //initialize the analogue connections for the joystick
      float lrV, udV; //create 2 float values for incoming joystick values
      while ( 1 )
        udV = adc_volts( 2 ); //get values from the joystick
        lrV = adc_volts( 3 );
        if ( udV < 1.00 ) //if joystick going backward, send backward value
          dprint( xbee, "b" );
        } else if ( udV > 4.00 ) //if joystick going forward, send forward value
          dprint( xbee, "f" );
        } else if ( udV < 4.00 && udV > 1.00 && lrV < 4.00 && lrV > 1.00 ) //if joystick is in center, send stop value
          dprint( xbee, "s" );
        } else if ( lrV < 1.00 ) //if joystick is going left, send left value
          dprint( xbee, "l" );
        } else if ( lrV > 4.00 ) //if joysitck is going right, send right value
          dprint( xbee, "r" );
        pause( 50 ); //only need to check joystick values 20 times a second

    Here is my code for the other Activity Board ( receiver ):
    //ActivityBot code here
    #include "simpletools.h"                      // Include simple tools
    #include "fdserial.h"
    #include "abdrive.h"
    fdserial *xbee;
    int main()                                    // Main function
      xbee = fdserial_open( 9, 8, 0, 9600 );
      char c;
      while ( 1 )
        c = fdserial_rxChar( xbee );
        if ( c == 'f' )
          drive_speed( 64, 64 );
        } else if ( c == 'b' )
          drive_speed( -64, -64 );
        } else if ( c == 'l' )
          drive_speed( 0, 64 );
        } else if ( c == 'r' )
          drive_speed( 64, 0 );
        } else if ( c == 's' )
          drive_speed( 0, 0 );
  • arlandiantoarlandianto Posts: 8
    edited 2014-10-29 07:26
    Thank you! I'll try to dig in and learn more from those :)
  • arlandiantoarlandianto Posts: 8
    edited 2014-10-29 07:32
    ValeT wrote: »
    The following code will allow you to remote control your ActivityBot over XBee wireless. I am going to write a tutorial for this soon; sorry I don't have it done yet!

    Use this link to setup the joystick module.

    Please connect the Joystick to A/D pins 2 and 3.

    Here is my code for the Activity Board ( transmitter ):
    //ActivityBoard code here
    #include "simpletools.h"                      // Include simple tools
    #include "fdserial.h"
    #include "adcDCpropab.h"
    fdserial *xbee; //Initialize the full-duplex serial connection over XBee
    int main()
      xbee = fdserial_open( 9, 8, 0, 9600 ); //open the serial connection
      adc_init( 21, 20, 19, 18 ); //initialize the analogue connections for the joystick
      float lrV, udV; //create 2 float values for incoming joystick values
      while ( 1 )
        udV = adc_volts( 2 ); //get values from the joystick
        lrV = adc_volts( 3 );
        if ( udV < 1.00 ) //if joystick going backward, send backward value
          dprint( xbee, "b" );
        } else if ( udV > 4.00 ) //if joystick going forward, send forward value
          dprint( xbee, "f" );
        } else if ( udV < 4.00 && udV > 1.00 && lrV < 4.00 && lrV > 1.00 ) //if joystick is in center, send stop value
          dprint( xbee, "s" );
        } else if ( lrV < 1.00 ) //if joystick is going left, send left value
          dprint( xbee, "l" );
        } else if ( lrV > 4.00 ) //if joysitck is going right, send right value
          dprint( xbee, "r" );
        pause( 50 ); //only need to check joystick values 20 times a second

    Here is my code for the other Activity Board ( receiver ):
    //ActivityBot code here
    #include "simpletools.h"                      // Include simple tools
    #include "fdserial.h"
    #include "abdrive.h"
    fdserial *xbee;
    int main()                                    // Main function
      xbee = fdserial_open( 9, 8, 0, 9600 );
      char c;
      while ( 1 )
        c = fdserial_rxChar( xbee );
        if ( c == 'f' )
          drive_speed( 64, 64 );
        } else if ( c == 'b' )
          drive_speed( -64, -64 );
        } else if ( c == 'l' )
          drive_speed( 0, 64 );
        } else if ( c == 'r' )
          drive_speed( 64, 0 );
        } else if ( c == 's' )
          drive_speed( 0, 0 );

    This is very helpful!
    Luckily i have one ActivityBot as well and I'll definitely try this one out :)

    Looking forward for your tutorial as well!
  • ValeTValeT Posts: 308
    edited 2014-10-31 04:57
    This is very helpful!
    Luckily i have one ActivityBot as well and I'll definitely try this one out :)

    Looking forward for your tutorial as well!

    Sorry for the late reply. Recently I've gotten really busy with FTC.

    Thanks! I will have the tutorial posted tomorrow or Sunday.

    Let me know if you have any issues as I am always available to help.
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