Xbee to Xbee Communication // Propeller Activity Board // 2-axis Joystick // C
Hi all,
First of all, I'm quite new to Propeller Activity Board and XBee but I'm quite familiar with C programming.
Right now, I have 2 Propeller Activity Board, 2 Xbee 802.15.4 modules, and a 2-axis joystick.
Then I'm stumbled upon this website: http://tymkrs.tumblr.com/post/28632622791/making-a-2-axis-joystick-wireless-w-xbee
And I would really love to try this with my Activity board but in C Language instead of SPIN Language.
I've followed this tutorial as well: http://learn.parallax.com/propeller-c-simple-protocols/full-duplex-serial
Which is very nice, but I am still can't figure out how to communicate between two activity board in C language.
Any suggestion or help perhaps? There are no many learning tutorials using Xbee and Propeller C that I aware of...
Thank you!
First of all, I'm quite new to Propeller Activity Board and XBee but I'm quite familiar with C programming.
Right now, I have 2 Propeller Activity Board, 2 Xbee 802.15.4 modules, and a 2-axis joystick.
Then I'm stumbled upon this website: http://tymkrs.tumblr.com/post/28632622791/making-a-2-axis-joystick-wireless-w-xbee
And I would really love to try this with my Activity board but in C Language instead of SPIN Language.
I've followed this tutorial as well: http://learn.parallax.com/propeller-c-simple-protocols/full-duplex-serial
Which is very nice, but I am still can't figure out how to communicate between two activity board in C language.
Any suggestion or help perhaps? There are no many learning tutorials using Xbee and Propeller C that I aware of...
Thank you!
This might help:
What exactly is it that you want to do? Usually one device with be the base unit and the other the remote. For example controlling a robot with the joystick.
This might help but all the examples use Spin.
Here are some other examples:
The following code will allow you to remote control your ActivityBot over XBee wireless. I am going to write a tutorial for this soon; sorry I don't have it done yet!
Use this link to setup the joystick module. http://learn.parallax.com/propeller-c-simple-devices/joystick
Please connect the Joystick to A/D pins 2 and 3.
Here is my code for the Activity Board ( transmitter ):
Here is my code for the other Activity Board ( receiver ):
This is very helpful!
Luckily i have one ActivityBot as well and I'll definitely try this one out
Looking forward for your tutorial as well!
Sorry for the late reply. Recently I've gotten really busy with FTC.
Thanks! I will have the tutorial posted tomorrow or Sunday.
Let me know if you have any issues as I am always available to help.