SiLabs CP2110 USB UART
I will have this tomorrow and am looking for info on where to start learning how to make this work for a Prop loader direct out of BST or other IDE. If it is too much work to tackle, then the other will be to just upload 32k to spare eeprom space from my own GUI, verify the transfer, then move the 32k to eeprom bootload space. The real goal is a driverless field replaceable firmware method with my own GUI. For shop development, there can be a FT232 based board if the Silabs is not going to be programmable via BST(bstl). The field replacement will always be with my own mac/pc GUI, so it is not such a big deal to me to handle the Prop load protocol. The odds of crashing during an I2C eeprom transfer from higher address to lower address are small.
Here is some serial loader info Mike Green posted, but this is surely way over my head. I am not messing with any variant of C.
Tonyp12 loader with C# and SiLabs.
I have a test board in the works for the SiLabs>Prop tester, which is a week or so out if anyone is interested let me know I will send it if someone wants to work on this.
I will have this tomorrow and am looking for info on where to start learning how to make this work for a Prop loader direct out of BST or other IDE. If it is too much work to tackle, then the other will be to just upload 32k to spare eeprom space from my own GUI, verify the transfer, then move the 32k to eeprom bootload space. The real goal is a driverless field replaceable firmware method with my own GUI. For shop development, there can be a FT232 based board if the Silabs is not going to be programmable via BST(bstl). The field replacement will always be with my own mac/pc GUI, so it is not such a big deal to me to handle the Prop load protocol. The odds of crashing during an I2C eeprom transfer from higher address to lower address are small.
Here is some serial loader info Mike Green posted, but this is surely way over my head. I am not messing with any variant of C.
Tonyp12 loader with C# and SiLabs.
I have a test board in the works for the SiLabs>Prop tester, which is a week or so out if anyone is interested let me know I will send it if someone wants to work on this.
'direct out of' may be a challenge, - the CP2110 does not use a Virtual Com port, it uses HID calls, as in your 2nd link in C#.
What language did you want to use ?
C might not be pretty, but it is portable.
You could also look at things like SimpleIDE - not sure if that supports CP2110 yet, but it could be possible to show both COMxx list (ie VCP), and also HID options, to allow driverless support.
From the plugin company: "We have classes to directly talk to general USB devices or HID devices in special."
I have an idea to use some of the GPIO or flow control pins to connect to the Prop eeprom and have the GUI send the .eeprom data via USB>UART>I2C and update the Prop that way and forget the Prop loading protocol. I think it will be a simple matter to directly access the eeprom from the UART and write the program then reset the Prop.
Interesting idea, but you would need native i2c support to get tolerable speed - which would mean a CP2112.
(and that drops the UART).
Nice would be a CP2105 variant that had 1 x UART and 1 x i2c, but SiLabs do not make that yet...
That could be done with a C8051F38C, when Silabs release HID libraries.
From memory when I checked this approach, around 250bps was possible, which I decided was glacial, but may be tolerable in your case.
The CP2112 is the same driverless communication approach, but has HW 400KHz i2c support, which should be (much?) faster than the Prop bit-wise download.
I guess a Prop COG could be coded to be i2c Slave for PC-Link if you needed that, similar size to UART and probably faster ?
Addit: A quick search finds this
and this comment
["Newly added slave driver object, runs in a PASM cog with a Spin handler, and provides 32 byte-sized registers for a master running on another device to write to and read from. Tested okay up to ~769Kbps (max speed of my master object). Includes demo for the slave object."]
So that should allow a CP2112 to do
* Direct very fast EEPROM i2c Updates
* Fast PC link for user code, using the same pins
( just avoid a Slave address anywhere near the EEPROM
* use just 2 Prop pins ( & 1 line to hold in reset during i2c EE Writes)..
Set Clock and Data on the same write.
Set Clock Low
Set Data high or low
Set Clock high
Set Clock Low
I think option 2 is correct as option 1 does not allow time for data to be set before the SCL.
I did a Set/Clear in software and measured the frequency with a Frequency Counter.
I would guess something over 10 minutes for 32KB write, using SW toggles,
vs a HW based (CP2112) speed of a Chip-Erase limit of ~ 2.56s (max), and a 400KHz transport limit of ~ 0.74s.
I agree, as you need to avoid false Start or Stop signals (Data change when CLK is hi)
You can do a little compression, by testing and skipping the Data write if the SDA value is unchanged
For read, I would read both SCL and SDA as a pair, and confirm SCL is always low in SW
You can see low bauds send continually, and as the requested baud climbs, the finite engine speed starts to slip to the next bit slot.
Duplex (simple readback) has more overhead that shows on higher bauds.
We also counted chars out/back, as we found some code/settings combinations dropped chars.
There is a USB-i2c part for a dollar or two, called CP2112
The merit I see on direct i2c, is much faster (limited only by EE write times) and it can also save pins.
That would allow the option of using a FM24W256, for even faster download times, sure to appeal to developers.
Compared to getting the USB layer, this one I think is relatively simple.
The Prop download IIRC is a simple 3 bits per byte (as Low_Data_High sets), and the loader can manage ~115200 tops, once SW speed and RC margins are allowed for.
This bit-wise encoding makes it relatively slow, but very Baud rate tolerant.
You also need to flip the RST pin, but if you have GPIO and Serial working, the rest is not hard.
If you allow users full baud granularity, (the silicon supports it) then they could push the Baud a little higher on the bench, to prune some download time.
I think SiLabs are getting closer to release of Libraries for UART and i2c in one USB device
(but initially using VCP, not HID)
BTW GPIO transactions are 1 per ms. Forget this for I2C.
In the AP495, it shows an addressable method to read (ie eeprom), but no addressable method to write. I sent a message to Silabs. Somebody on the forum there may have discussed a trick by sending first an addressable read but don't actually read anything, then do a write. This is not ideal but we will see.
I have a platform now for PC/Mac that allows adding all the functionality of the C libraries from Silabs. All the basics are up and running, now to get the GPIO pins working which is simple. After that it is ready for moving the parts over to a my real projecdt. If you have an interest in the xojo tester project files let me know. These are a breeze for making test apps to talk to the Prop. I can't figure out C so I have someone translate the files in such a way that it becomes very "basic" like for me to deal with. A CP2112 arrives tomorrow to test.
I use the 24LC512-I/SN and will test with that today with the CP2112. I think we would be able to tackle the Prop load sequence, so I am curious if there is an advantage for one device over the other if the EEPROM can be written either via Propload or direct I2C. In this case, if the prop loader is working fine then I would prefer the UART.
Just to chime in a little on this option of being able to load the EEPROM directly as this is something I build into every board with a PropPlug compatible header. I always thought it was dumb that the PropPlug only had the 4 lines which is fine for some situations but putting another 4 pins next to it didn't make it any less compatible. The other 4 pins have the I2C signals and +5V (in or out) so that the board could be powered from the same connector or that it could also serve as a peripheral expansion connector if need be.
However I use this simple connector as a means to directly program units in the field without requiring a PC or anything complicated, just a little board that plugs in and reads or programs the EEPROM directly within a couple of seconds. Since it costs nothing to add the extra pins and still leaves it compatible with PropPlug etc I just wonder why Parallax haven't cottoned onto this simple little enhancement and made it a standard, I know I wouldn't be without it.
5V, GND, /RST, SI, SO, x
where x is unused but can be a prop output (as a reset to another prop)
But, I am extending this to a 1x8pin header...
3V3, 5V, GND, /RST, SI(P31), SO(P30), SDA(P29), SCL(P28)
I have an optional transistor reset circuit on many of my boards so they will work with cheap USB-Serial boards as well as the PropPlug.
The write address is just more data payload, so you send DeviceAdr.AddressU.AddressL.Data0,Data1.Data2...
There is one ?? detail in the data, that says 61 bytes max, (which I think is related to the USB packet limit) but it does mean a 64 byte page write is not going to be supported. (that would need 64+2+1 = 67 bytes)
Perhaps you could test if that is a real limit, once you have it working.
- I'd start with 32 byte 'pages' to confirm you can write, then expand.
I found this
Has Page and Address schemes for useful EEPROMs.
512k looks to have a larger page, would allow faster downloads,if you could send 131 byte messages.
1M has a Page Pin, so could HW select 2 Copies.
Nifty, and sounds close to what the OP is after.
What speeds do you get on UART vs I2c, and what i2c part number ?
What is on the "just a little board" ? - a small Micro and a master EEPROM ?
I mentioned this method as it might have some bearing on what the OP is after of at least offer an option. The I2C method always works as it has direct access to the EEPROM and of course can hold the Prop in reset while it's doing it. Whereas I've had problems loading boards from the serial port when the Prop is transmitting a lot of information which throws the PC timing off due to garbage in the FIFO.
For the little board I've mentioned in the other posts where I have just used exactly the same tiny board for the programmer as the one it's programming but I have other tiny boards too with PICs on them and EEPROM as it is very simple code to access the target EEPROM and read or write to it. At 400kHz and using ACK timing to find when the EEPROM is ready after a page write it takes only a couple of seconds to write the 32K EEPROM. The advantage of a device like this is that I can use it to read a Prop and then clone it onto the other Props and since it's so simple I can let someone else do it. This is especially useful when the units have to be upgraded in remote sites, I can email a binary that they load onto an SD card which plugs into one of my boards adapted for use as a programmer. All done and dusted with minimal fuss.
BTW, the 8-pin header I use can also accept my PL2 USB to serial adapter or a Bluetooth module instead that ends up plugging in as part of the unit (or not), so rather than building USB into a product I just leave a 8-pin header on the PCB and then I am still free to do with it what I want. This includes those little add-ons you find out you need so if I needed a 4-digit 7-segment display added on for instance then I can plug one of these I2C LED display modules directly into the 8-pin header and presto, instant expansion.
Since IDE cables aren't normally available in 8-pins I just use two of those cheap Dupont 4-way jumpers super-glued together. Here's a shot of one of my USB2SER PropPlug compatible adapters converted to an inline connection with the dual 4-way cables plugged into a Prop based PLC and powering the logic and LEDs while it's at it. The programmer simply replaces the USB2SER although it would be possible to insert it between the USB2SER so that the programmer EEPROM could be loaded as if it were a Prop in the first place.
So Peter you have a PIC design for serial to i2c that is proven, cost almost nothing, and there is software to drive it?
Care to share the design, if you have time?
Sure, no probs, I use one of my existing boards though, a tiny little surface-mount LCD backpack with a PIC16F690 loaded with an otherwise optional EEPROM. I'm sure though that you could port that to any other PIC for that matter. The code doesn't include any Prop bootloader frontend though, but you can use this as a stand-alone field programmer and reader. It is possible to load the programmer's EEPROM through the PIC's serial port and if I did this I would just make it a simple Intel hex format load so that no special drivers are required, just a terminal and copy and paste the hex file into it for the programmer to load into it's EEPROM. Something that most customers could do. After that you can go around to all the units and load them up in seconds.
Is that what you were after? Of course you could use it as simple serial to I2C directly.
What i am most interested in is what control protocol did you use to command the I2C interface over the UART serial interface?
That is what was the actual command format on the UART side?
Well isn't that what you make it then? In this case though the Intel hex file is a simple hex file that can be copy and pasted etc and contains all the information in there to load a EEPROM.
In the case of a hex file this is part of it here:
So the :10 says there are 16 bytes of data, the 0000 is the address, 00 is the type, 16 bytes of data followed by a checksum, simple.
The last line has a type of 01 to indicate the end.
Is there another method you were thinking of, I'm not exactly sure how you would be using this but the code is trivial.
So you just send intel hex records to the PIC over UART and the PIC programs the EEPROM over I2C?
I just thought there might be more a more general i2c control protocol as using the PIC to control other i2c devices.
But then your simplicity make it robust for the intended purpose.
I understand. I think i try to make interface to complicated.
thanks much
Well if you wanted to you could program up a small USB micro to handle HID to I2C conversion for you but the problem is how do you translate HID protocols to the various I2C devices? Many of the problems I see with USB stem from Windows insistence that it needs a "driver", even if it is just a USB Flash drive, I see Windows bing and bong, being ever so helpful, looking for a "driver" until it eventually works. Contrast this to Linux or perhaps even OSX and the stuff including FTDI just works straight-away, no fussin n no cussin.
IDE 2x4 cables are available on eBay for the 8pin program header for AVRs. There is also a 10pin version with incompatible pinouts.
Yeah, they do have them but I've found it very handy just to have a whole stack of these cables in stock for all kinds of things. No more crimping and only about 16 cents a cable!
When I glue them together I put the blank faces together plus I push a cut pin into one of the positions for a key.
Here is an example of what is involved behind the scenes to connect to the device by clicking a single button:
A button to write data to the UART:
Finally the tester has functionality for all the needed device access. GPIO control, read, write, UART config. I have GPIO connected to the Prop Reset and can toggle reset. Next goal is to tackle the Proploader. After that, load a file into the app and load to ram, ram+eeprom. The methods available are listed. These are accessible in Xojo very similar to Spin syntax. There is no looking at C. Possibly a command line version that loads a genenic .eeprom file ie temp.eeprom, run the app from some other application behind the scenes might be useful for development. The end goal is to send a client a zip of the app+eeprom or app w/embedded 32k file. Extract, press upload. For development, have an app running in the background watching for a key (an alternative F10/F11 to write to Silabs) that is not used on BST/PropTool. To upload ram on the bench, Compile and Save As EEPROM, then press the key which writes the program to ram or eeprom. This should only take one extra step to save the temp.eeprom, which is on a few seconds. The app behind the scenes reads a keypress(simulated F10), loads a file called temp.eeprom from the Propeller folder, and writes the 32k to ram on the device. Or even fancier, the app watches the temp.eeprom file for time stamps for last save, and if it was changed within the last second, write it to the device automatically. Or more fancy than that... have the app watch for a special keypress from BST, then load the file into the app and run bstc>save to eeprom as temp.eeprom > write to SiLabs. So it is a one touch operation just like F10/F11 for development.