best way to output 0V, 2.5V, 5V signal from stamp
Posts: 74
This is probably a really easy thing to do, but after messing around with a breadboard for an hour, I don't have a solution. I need to send a signal to a pin on a motor controller that is either 0V (reverse), 2.5V (stop) or 5V (forward) from a basic stamp. Is there any reliable easy way to do this with no extra components/chips? If not, what is a fairly simple way?
The best I've done:
Use a LM317T to output 2.5V continuously to the controller pin. To send to 5V, send the BS pin high to the same pin. For 0V, I've tried to hooked up ULN2803A darlington array (open collector) and activate it with a high signal from another stamp pin. Except this doesn't actually seem to work.
Previously I tried variously making one BS pin into an input or output high or low with the 2.5V coming from the LM317T. I didn't really get anywhere with this either.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thank you.
The best I've done:
Use a LM317T to output 2.5V continuously to the controller pin. To send to 5V, send the BS pin high to the same pin. For 0V, I've tried to hooked up ULN2803A darlington array (open collector) and activate it with a high signal from another stamp pin. Except this doesn't actually seem to work.
Previously I tried variously making one BS pin into an input or output high or low with the 2.5V coming from the LM317T. I didn't really get anywhere with this either.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thank you.
Is there an alternative to this approach?
Thank you.
I know that there may be better methods to control this, even ways that Dimension specifically mentions (like using Pulsout in R/C mode). However, I am retrofitting this controller into an existing platform that previously used a servo drive (for speed) and a bank of relays (for direction) to control two motors. I'd like to drop this in for testing without drastically changing the control method for the machine, hence the question. Also, our system is currently open-loop analog control, and I'd like to keep it that way for now, and I'm dealing with tether lengths of hundreds of feet between the stamp and the controller.
With this setup, I can control the two motor's speed (together) and direction (independently) with three analog signals (0-5V).