BS1 issues not found
My old wXP crashed and replaced with a different WXP. Connecting with serial cable and older BS1 serial adapter (2003). Using Basic stamp editor ver 2.5.3. Not sure what going on but I can not load program. When I hit the download it flashes scanning.... Then error "No Basic Stamps Found". I don't think I'm reading the BS1 thru the serial port anymore. I have no internet connection on this PC. Internet connection only on my IPad. Please private email me if anyone has a good solid answer. Thank you, Jim ....
The circuit is based on an older USB-to-Seral device from Parallax that had the correct pin out for programming the BS1. I don't know if the new version ( does. By using either of these you avoid the stack-up of devices which can lead to problems.
PS: Make sure you didn't plug your adapter in upside-down -- that's a common tech support issue at EFX-TEK.
The stuff off ebay only works 25% of the time.
FWIW, the EFX-TEK Prop-1 controller is an industrialized BASIC Stamp 1: it has a beefy 5V regulator, pin headers for the TTL pins, and a ULN2803A for high-current outputs.
BTW... it's not good form to change the topic of a thread once it's started. If you have questions about connecting the ULN2803A, you should start another thread. That way others searching for similar solutions can find that thread.