Serial Repeater
I made this simple propeller object that may be of some use to some of you. From the description:
Serial Repeater for use with FullDuplexSerial Object
This object runs in its own cog and passes data back and forth between two
FDS ports. The purpose of which causes the propeller to appear transparent
when communicating to peripherals from a host computer. The data from
both the host and the peripheral is buffered in a queue that can be accessed
by the propeller at any time. Since this runs in a separate cog, the Prop
can function as it normally would to send data to the host and peripheral.
See attached object and DEMO. I am currently using this to play with the ESP8266.
Example using the Parallax Serial Terminal:

Serial Repeater Demo - Archive [Date 2014.10.10 Time 13.53].zip
I made this simple propeller object that may be of some use to some of you. From the description:
Serial Repeater for use with FullDuplexSerial Object
This object runs in its own cog and passes data back and forth between two
FDS ports. The purpose of which causes the propeller to appear transparent
when communicating to peripherals from a host computer. The data from
both the host and the peripheral is buffered in a queue that can be accessed
by the propeller at any time. Since this runs in a separate cog, the Prop
can function as it normally would to send data to the host and peripheral.
See attached object and DEMO. I am currently using this to play with the ESP8266.
Example using the Parallax Serial Terminal:

Serial Repeater Demo - Archive [Date 2014.10.10 Time 13.53].zip
I have used a simple loop method which just echos one pin to another so it's not dependant upon baud rates etc. Even in Spin this will probably work fine but in PASM it's only a few lines of code.