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A special color detect for colorPAL#28380 — Parallax Forums

A special color detect for colorPAL#28380

kazuya86kazuya86 Posts: 5
edited 2014-10-07 07:46 in Accessories
I watch a special method to detect the color in youtube( The author use propeller enducation Board and ColopPAL#28380, LCD extension cable, three LED to demo the color change. Once he use color sensor to detect different color object, the three LED on the board will display the measure color, and the author cover the three LED with a Cylindrical tube. It look very special, I have a Board of enducation, Basic stamp 2 module, and colorPAL#28380, I want to do a color sensor similar with the author. If anyone know how to set up the author's color sensor.


  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    edited 2014-10-07 07:46
    Not too hard to do. You will need an RGB led, a translucent tube, and drivers for the RGB led in addition to the parts you already have, and a basic program to read the color intensities from the ColorPal and output intensities to the R, G, and B leds based on the values read from the ColorPal.
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