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MS5607 and Adafruit Data Logger — Parallax Forums

MS5607 and Adafruit Data Logger

sinjinmantasinjinmanta Posts: 1
edited 2014-10-06 00:04 in Accessories
I'm trying to use the Adafruit Data Logger Shield to record data from the MS5607 Altimeter Sensor. I am able to successfully use TMP36, Ping, and Photocell sensors with the data logger, but as soon as I add the MS5607, the serial output becomes gibberish. I started researching the data logger and the MS5607 and realized that both are attempting to use Analog pins 4 and 5. The data logger uses 4 and 5 for the Real Time Clock, and seems fixed. The MS5607 is shown using A4 and A5 in the diagram (, but I can't find anywhere in the code which specifies those two pins.

Is anyone aware of a way to change the MS5607 to use pins 2 and 3 instead of 4 and 5?

Thank you!


  • TharkunTharkun Posts: 67
    edited 2014-10-06 00:04
    The Pins A4 and A5 is the i2c bus from the arduino, so it is not necessary/possible to use other pins. Simple connect the i2c bus from MS5607 parallel to i2c bus from Arduino/data logger shield, and if it not works check your code and maybe post it in an arduino-forum to verify.
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