Hoverfly programing and quadcopter flipping over
Finally got my quad copter running! Now the problem i have is, no matter what i do, the elev-8 flips over to the right and the propellers smack the ground. Ive looked and looked and cant find the cause.....
Ive checked the hoverfly board and made sure all the esc's are in the proper order...and Ive checked to make sure the propellers are spinning in the proper sequence (ccw,cw ect..)
When I open hoverfly and connect my receiver and transmitter to the board, all my values are even....when I unplug the receiver and transmitter, the Aileron and Rudder on the hoverfly setup tool go all the way to the right...
Is there something I am missing?
Ive checked the hoverfly board and made sure all the esc's are in the proper order...and Ive checked to make sure the propellers are spinning in the proper sequence (ccw,cw ect..)
When I open hoverfly and connect my receiver and transmitter to the board, all my values are even....when I unplug the receiver and transmitter, the Aileron and Rudder on the hoverfly setup tool go all the way to the right...
Is there something I am missing?
It goes something like this.... throttle on full, power up quad, beep(s) from Esc's, throttle to zero, beep(s) from Esc's. It the ESC range isn't set to the radio, you'll get all kinds of weird behavior.
Does the Hoverfly tool show the correct direction for each axis? In other words, left Aileron on the radio results in left movement of the screen slider etc...
With the receiver and transmitter unplugged, there is no valid input for the setup tool to read. It's looking for pulses between 1 and 2 ms and getting nothing. That doesn't seem unusual on its own. Do the Aileron and Rudder channels respond correctly to the stick inputs. Left Aileron = left slider etc...
Here's a clip I took of the setup tool a while back. You may see something there.
Have you tried adding left aileron trim? Does it flip with no stick input?
How about the control board orientation? (you never know....)
Now when the elev8 flips, im just giving it elevation aka go up and it still flops to the right.
If I had this in front of me we could figure it out in a few minutes.
If you have Skype contact me on Tuesday at penguinrobottrainer and we'll get this ELEV-8 flying.
Ken Gracey
I could swear on my life that the receiver is wired properly....I've pretty much memorized the install guide at this point lol! but if you are willing to have a look see, I won't turn it down! I'm in Eastern standard time. can you do Wednesday instead?
Thanks everyone for their help....now we need to wait for the elev-8 super to come out and build another one lol!
The ESC we've currently qualified (which you likely have, a yellow version) is built by GemFan. I have worked with them to improve their yield with recently. Showing them how a bad ESC can bring down a $500 quadcopter was helpful. In the past we didn't open the ESCs. Today, we open them, test them and program them. That's why they arrive pre-programmed, out of their bag. We've been able to catch a few failures along the way through this process.
Sorry it took you so long to get into the air. Please e-mail me your address kgracey@parallax.com and I'll get you a complimentary Crash Pack for the hassles.
Ken Gracey
Congratulations and have fun!
Yeah, in a heartbeat.
an emergency parachute on it. Hit the emergency chute button, and the props stop, and the chute pops!
Is this a possible thing to do with the copter?
Here's an example of a chute on YouTube... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D8OB-t3B_c
As bad as the crash might look, I only broke a couple of props on that one. My worst crash was when I lost orientation of the quad and had to cut power to avoid hitting my apartment building. That time it hit a sidewalk. This crash bent a motor shaft, broke a motor mount and broke the translucent cover on top. Even that was pretty easy and inexpensive to fix.
A practical addition might be a prop guard, especially if it can protect the motor shaft - the props really aren't expensive.
I guess my attention is focused on other areas as opposed to crash protection as time has gone on. If you do develop something, be sure and post it.
Some people do crazy setups with tupperware containers and a servo, and a chute...it works but looks gaudy....yes I said gaudy lol! Ill start a thread on this once I have tested more!
What I saw in that video is probably a cold solder joint, providing an intermittent connection and motor failure.
Ken Gracey
Oh that's it, blame the guy who put it together.
Actually it was 'equipment failure'. One of the ESC's let out its smoke.
You guys sent me a replacement and it's been running fine since. It's been about a year.