GPS VPN1513 (#28508) (any code?)
Posts: 5
Hi !. I'm trying to connect the GPS module VPN1513 (# 28508) with the basic stamp 2, but not how to read the data because the examples there are for the old version (# 28506). SOME EXAMPLE in (# 28508)?
thanks for the help!
thanks for the help!
All the code we have for this GPS Module can be found here:
That said, the BS2 doesn't have the resources to handle the RAW data from the VPN1513 GPS Module. If you were to use a BS2p you could do it and there are examples for that model of BASIC Stamp 2.
Hello, I wonder why? it makes an "OR" between these two variables: (Open | T9600) represented in these lines:
T9600 Con 84
Open Con $8000
Baud Con Open | T9600 'Open mode to allow daisy chaining.
I have made my code, but it seems that does not work and I think it is because these 2 lines. would expect that they could help me. Thank you!
Did you see the link I posted above? The datasheet is available at that link.
Thank you for your help Chris Savage.
In the datasheet of the previous model has a set of default commands. In the datasheet you posted these commands do not appear by default.
In the example to the GPS BS2 these commands are used by default.
Assuming it's the same, I have this code, modified example (Code attached). running the code, I get this result. I wonder if these data are valid or not. And what could be wrong.
Note:Since this GPS has 2 input and output pins (RX and TX), modified the code variable "Sio" for TX and RX.
Appreciate your help. Thank you.
VPN1513 GPS Receiver Module Test Application
Hardware Version: 2.4
Firmware Version: 4.7
Signal Valid: No
Acquired Satellites: 66 (changing to 49, 55,53 66, etc.)
Error: No response from GPS Receiver Module
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
[ I/O Definitions ]
RX PIN 15 ' connects to GPS Module RX pin
TX PIN 14 ' connects to GPS Module TX pin
[ Constants ]
T9600 CON 84
Open CON $8000
Baud CON Open | T9600
' GPS Module Commands
GetInfo CON $00
GetValid CON $01
GetSats CON $02
[ Variables ]
MoveTo CON 2 ' DEBUG positioning command
ClrRt CON 11 ' clear line right of cursor
FieldLen CON 22 ' length of debug text
char VAR Byte
workVal VAR Word ' for numeric conversions
eeAddr VAR workVal ' pointer to EE data
ver_hw VAR Byte
ver_fw VAR Byte
valid VAR Byte ' signal valid? 0 = not valid, 1 = valid
sats VAR Byte ' number of satellites used in positioning calculations
[ EEPROM Data ]
NotValid DATA "No", 0
IsValid DATA "Yes", 0
DaysInMon DATA 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31
MonNames DATA "JAN",0,"FEB",0,"MAR",0,"APR",0,"MAY",0,"JUN",0
DATA "JUL",0,"AUG",0,"SEP",0,"OCT",0,"NOV",0,"DEC",0
[ Initialization ]
PAUSE 250 ' let DEBUG open
DEBUG CLS ' clear the screen
DEBUG "VPN1513 GPS Receiver Module Test Application", CR,
DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 3, " Hardware Version: "
DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 4, " Firmware Version: "
DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 5, " Signal Valid: "
DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 6, " Acquired Satellites: "
[ Program Code ]
GOSUB Get_Info
GOSUB Get_Valid
GOSUB Get_Sats
[ Subroutines ]
SEROUT RX, Baud, ["!GPS", GetInfo]
SERIN TX, Baud, 3000, No_Response, [ver_hw,ver_fw]
DEBUG CRSRXY, FieldLen, 3, HEX ver_hw.HIGHNIB, ".", HEX ver_hw.LOWNIB
DEBUG CRSRXY, FieldLen, 4, HEX ver_fw.HIGHNIB, ".", HEX ver_fw.LOWNIB
SEROUT RX, Baud, ["!GPS", GetValid]
SERIN TX, Baud, 3000, No_Response, [valid]
DEBUG CRSRXY, FieldLen, 5 ' was the signal valid?
LOOKUP valid, [NotValid, IsValid], eeAddr ' get answer from EE
GOSUB Print_Z_String ' print it
'DEBUG ClrRt ' clear end of line
IF (valid = 0) THEN Signal_Not_Valid
SEROUT RX, Baud, ["!GPS", GetSats]
SERIN TX, Baud, 3000, No_Response, [sats]
DEBUG MoveTo, FieldLen, 6, DEC sats
DEBUG MoveTo, 0, 18, "Error: No response from GPS Receiver Module"
' DEBUG BIN8 sats
FREQOUT 0,5000,8000
PAUSE 3000
GOTO Initialize
READ eeAddr, char ' get char from EE
IF (char = 0) THEN Print_Z_String_Done ' if zero, we're done
DEBUG char ' print the char
eeAddr = eeAddr + 1 ' point to the next one
GOTO Print_Z_String
DEBUG MoveTo, FieldLen, 7, "?", ClrRt ' clear all fields
DEBUG MoveTo, FieldLen, 9, "?", ClrRt
DEBUG MoveTo, FieldLen, 10, "?", ClrRt
DEBUG MoveTo, FieldLen, 12, "?", ClrRt
DEBUG MoveTo, FieldLen, 13, "?", ClrRt
DEBUG MoveTo, FieldLen, 14, "?", ClrRt
DEBUG MoveTo, FieldLen, 15, "?", ClrRt
DEBUG MoveTo, FieldLen, 16, "?", ClrRt
1. Is it possible to use use the NMEA input commands, especially this: Navigation lnitialization ID: 101 Parameters required for start. for this problem? in this case, I can not understand how to use it.
2. The GPS has an accuracy of 10 meters (according to the datasheet). Is it possible to obtain a relative position, ie if I have 10mts error in position A, and I move to a position 30 cm, should give me the coordinates of 30 cm from A to B? or remains an error of 10 m ?.
3. I have a problem. Sometimes I run the program and have all the wires connected properly, but the LED does not blink (I guess there is receiving data). Is there any reason that could be happening ?.
to leave it still for some time, working for no apparent reason.
really thanks!