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Can I get some advice on modifying the Rotary Encoder object? — Parallax Forums

Can I get some advice on modifying the Rotary Encoder object?

T ChapT Chap Posts: 4,223
edited 2014-09-23 20:39 in Propeller 1
A main program launches a PID engine cog which launches this Rotary object.

When the rotary object is launched, it clears the position of all encoders to zero. I am only using one encoder, possibly 2 as an option. I need to be able to set the position of the encoder by the top program. I tried setting a value to the variable that the Position is stored in, but it gets written back to zero on launching the PASM. I can live with the idea of setting the value on launching the engine. There are cases where on bootup, the encoder is in a position that I don't want to be zero.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  byte          Cog             'Cog (ID+1) that is running Update
  byte          TotDelta        'Number of encoders needing deta value support.
  long          Pos             'Address of position buffer

PUB Start(StartPin, NumEnc, NumDelta, PosAddr, direction): Pass
''Record configuration, clear all encoder positions and launch a continuous encoder-reading cog.
''PARAMETERS: StartPin = (0..63) 1st pin of encoder 1.  2nd pin of encoder 1 is StartPin+1.
''                       Additional pins for other encoders are contiguous starting with StartPin+2 but MUST NOT cross port boundry (31).
''            NumEnc   = Number of encoders (1..16) to monitor.
''            NumDelta = Number of encoders (0..16) needing delta value support (can be less than NumEnc).
''            PosAddr  = Address of a buffer of longs where each encoder's position (and deta position, if any) is to be stored.
''RETURNS:    True if successful, False otherwise.

  Pin := StartPin                                                                                     
  TotEnc := NumEnc                                                                                    
  TotDelta := NumDelta
  Pos := PosAddr
  longfill(Pos, 0, TotEnc+TotDelta)
  Pass := (Cog := cognew(@Update, Pos) + 1) > 0

PUB SetEncoder

PUB SetDir(direction)

  if direction == 1      'Subtract
    AMask[-8] |=  |< 26       ' sub    set bit 26 high fr subtract =  reverse counting
  elseif direction == 0  'Add
    AMask[-8] &= !|< 26       ' add  bitwise NOT bit 26 of the :IPos add 0, Diff

PUB Stop
''Stop the encoder-reading cog, if there is one.

  if Cog > 0

PUB ReadDelta(EncID): DeltaPos
''Read delta position (relative position value since last time read) of EncID.

  DeltaPos := 0 + -(EncID < TotDelta) * -long[Pos][TotEnc+EncID] + (long[Pos][TotEnc+EncID] := long[Pos][EncID])
'* Encoder Reading Assembly Routine *

'Read all encoders and update encoder positions in main memory.
'See "Theory of Operation," below, for operational explanation.
'Cycle Calculation Equation:
'  Terms:     SU = :Sample to :Update.  UTI = :UpdatePos through :IPos.  MMW = Main Memory Write.
'             AMMN = After MMW to :Next.  NU = :Next to :UpdatePos.  SH = Resync to Hub.  NS = :Next to :Sample.
'  Equation:  SU + UTI + MMW + (AMMN + NU + UTI + SH + MMW) * (TotEnc-1) + AMMN + NS
'             = 92 + 16  +  8  + ( 16  + 4  + 16  + 6  +  8 ) * (TotEnc-1) +  16  + 12
'             = 144 + 50*(TotEnc-1)

                        org     0
Update                  test    Pin, #$20               wc      'Test for upper or lower port
                        muxc    :PinSrc, #%1                    'Adjust :PinSrc instruction for proper port
                        mov     IPosAddr, #IntPos               'Clear all internal encoder position values
                        movd    :IClear, IPosAddr               '  set starting internal pointer
                        mov     Idx, TotEnc                     '  for all encoders...  
        :IClear         mov     0, #0                           '  clear internal memory
                        add     IPosAddr, #1                    '  increment pointer
                        movd    :IClear, IPosAddr               
                        djnz    Idx, #:IClear                   '  loop for each encoder
                        mov     St2, ina                        'Take first sample of encoder pins
                        shr     St2, Pin                
:Sample                 mov     IPosAddr, #IntPos               'Reset encoder position buffer addresses
                        movd    :IPos+0, IPosAddr                               
                        movd    :IPos+1, IPosAddr
                        mov     MPosAddr, PAR                           
                        mov     St1, St2                        'Calc 2-bit signed offsets (St1 = B1:A1)
                        mov     T1,  St2                        '                           T1  = B1:A1 
                        shl     T1, #1                          '                           T1  = A1:x 
        :PinSrc         mov     St2, inb                        '  Sample encoders         (St2 = B2:A2 left shifted by first encoder offset)
                        shr     St2, Pin                        '  Adj for first encoder   (St2 = B2:A2)
                        xor     St1, St2                        '          St1  =              B1^B2:A1^A2
                        xor     T1, St2                         '          T1   =              A1^B2:x
                        and     T1, BMask                       '          T1   =              A1^B2:0
                        or      T1, AMask                       '          T1   =              A1^B2:1
                        mov     T2, St1                         '          T2   =              B1^B2:A1^A2
                        and     T2, AMask                       '          T2   =                  0:A1^A2
                        and     St1, BMask                      '          St1  =              B1^B2:0
                        shr     St1, #1                         '          St1  =                  0:B1^B2
                        xor     T2, St1                         '          T2   =                  0:A1^A2^B1^B2
                        mov     St1, T2                         '          St1  =                  0:A1^B2^B1^A2
                        shl     St1, #1                         '          St1  =        A1^B2^B1^A2:0
                        or      St1, T2                         '          St1  =        A1^B2^B1^A2:A1^B2^B1^A2
                        and     St1, T1                         '          St1  =  A1^B2^B1^A2&A1^B2:A1^B2^B1^A2
                        mov     Idx, TotEnc                     'For all encoders...
:UpdatePos              ror     St1, #2                         'Rotate current bit pair into 31:30
                        mov     Diff, St1                       'Convert 2-bit signed to 32-bit signed Diff
                        sar     Diff, #30
                        '  add or substraction the count to the accumulator
        :IPos           add     0, Diff  'AMask[-8]   ****Add/Sub to encoder position value

                        wrlong  0, MPosAddr                     'Write new position to main memory
                        add     IPosAddr, #1                    'Increment encoder position addresses
                        movd    :IPos+0, IPosAddr
                        movd    :IPos+1, IPosAddr
                        add     MPosAddr, #4                            
:Next                   djnz    Idx, #:UpdatePos                'Loop for each encoder
                        jmp     #:Sample                        'Loop forever

'Define Encoder Reading Cog's constants/variables

AMask                   long    $55555555                       'A bit mask
BMask                   long    $AAAAAAAA                       'B bit mask
MSB                     long    $80000000                       'MSB mask for current bit pair

Pin                     long    0                               'First pin connected to first encoder
TotEnc                  long    0                               'Total number of encoders

Idx                     res     1                               'Encoder index
St1                     res     1                               'Previous state
St2                     res     1                               'Current state
T1                      res     1                               'Temp 1
T2                      res     1                               'Temp 2
Diff                    res     1                               'Difference, ie: -1, 0 or +1
IPosAddr                res     1                               'Address of current encoder position counter (Internal Memory)
MPosAddr                res     1                               'Address of current encoder position counter (Main Memory)
IntPos                  res     16                              'Internal encoder position counter buffer


''To use this object: 
''  1) Create a position buffer (array of longs).  The position buffer MUST contain NumEnc + NumDelta longs.  The first NumEnc longs of the position buffer
''     will always contain *****read-only*****, absolute positions for the respective encoders.  The remaining NumDelta longs of the position buffer will be "last
''     absolute read" storage for providing delta position support (if used) and should be ignored (use ReadDelta() method instead).


  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    edited 2014-09-23 19:19
    Have the spin code set the desired start positions in the PosAddr buffer and have the pasm code load that data to the IntPos array instead of setting it to zero.
  • kwinnkwinn Posts: 8,697
    edited 2014-09-23 19:30
    An alternative to the previous post would be to change the IntPos res 16 buffer in the pasm code to IntPos long 16, remove the code that sets the positions to 0, have your spin code load the data into the longs, and then start the cog.
  • T ChapT Chap Posts: 4,223
    edited 2014-09-23 20:39
    Thanks Kwinn!
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