New thruster on Kickstarter
Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)
Posts: 23,514
For anyone doing underwater or floating robotics on a budget, these thrusters sure look intriguing:
I got an old Long Board laying around, this is gonna be great!, I'll never have to paddle out again...
I don't have the time right now, but someday I'd like to build a marine robot. My first attempt would be a simple sailboat with a fixed sail that could only run with the wind. Drop it off upwind from where you want it to go and let it use the rudder to navigate to the way point. For later attempts I might try a movable sail to allow upwind movement.
Using wind removes the issue of powering motors, and a solar panel could power the electronics and RC servos.
Meanwhile, Robin Lovelock keeps trying to get his model sailboat Snoopy to sail across the Atlantic from the UK: