Killed my first propeller today
Posts: 164
I'm still trying to figure out what happened... Let's say I accidentally hit some pin in the range of P11 to P19 with +12V. Would that destroy only those IO pins, or would it destroy other pins as well? This shouldn't have happened, but it's the only thing I can think of (I'm connecting a 12V device to the prop which has open collector outputs tied to those input pins).
Propeller tool still thinks it is able to program the EEPROM.
Does anyone make a propeller tester board?
Propeller tool still thinks it is able to program the EEPROM.
Does anyone make a propeller tester board?
I had an oddly different experience. I designed a PropMini into a board as an accessory for a device which uses 5V logic. I used 1K resistor packs to buffer the voltage difference having forgotten the long-ago thread where 2.2K was calculated to be the minimum advisable Most of the boards just worked but about 20% failed, and the failure was general, not pin-specific. Like yours the PropTool would still program them but the other I/O pins wouldn't respond. Also the Zener clamps continued to function. I redesigned the board with 3.3K packs and external zeners on a couple of lines that are bidirectional and didn't work through the higher resistance, and all seems OK.
For protection, a large series resistor to I/O pins is often enough. The Prop has protection diodes on all the pins already.
If you want to be extra careful, a zener diode or unipolar TVS (for fast pulses) might be a good idea so as not to stress the Prop's protection diodes.
Boards with damaged i/o are not really useless. I have one that I generally use for sloppy impulsive explorations. I save my good ones to commit to a final build.