Missing files from Instructable entry?
Buck Rogers
Posts: 2,187
Jeff I just tried obtaining some of the files needed to make the referenced Prop based thing
in this location, http://www.instructables.com/id/Calling-Bulletin-Board-Systems-BBS/
Clicking on the link in Step 4, here
Its the PropLink file which is based on the creation written by Leif Bloomquist for his adventures in getting one of his systems back online. Clicking there brings up a page from the service complaining that the file no longer is available there.
Jeff I just tried obtaining some of the files needed to make the referenced Prop based thing
in this location, http://www.instructables.com/id/Calling-Bulletin-Board-Systems-BBS/
Clicking on the link in Step 4, here
Its the PropLink file which is based on the creation written by Leif Bloomquist for his adventures in getting one of his systems back online. Clicking there brings up a page from the service complaining that the file no longer is available there.
Here's a fresh download link for Proplink.