Thanks Publison, here's an updated demo I promised you (Erco's laser sensor).
Posts: 4,051
Thanks for the better reflector tape. I'm getting a ten foot range with it pretty easily. In this demo I use the Boe-bot and laser to fetch a target from across the kitchen and bring it back.
If I didn't have grout lines in the floor I could have use line sensors to recognize a home area as well. But I was able to tighten up the code enough that I no longer needed the ServoPal to tend the servos as well. The code is below and represents about five hours work start to finish.
If I didn't have grout lines in the floor I could have use line sensors to recognize a home area as well. But I was able to tighten up the code enough that I no longer needed the ServoPal to tend the servos as well. The code is below and represents about five hours work start to finish.
' ================================================== ============================ ' ' File...... FetchTargetAndFindBeacon.BS2 ' Purpose... Find a target using the Ping))) and laser, then returns to ' the beacon ' Authors... Martin Heermance. ' E-mail.... ' Started... 2014 September 6th ' Updated... 2014 September 7th ' ' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' ' ================================================== ============================ ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Program Description ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' A program to locate a target using a laser, then return to the Pololu beacon ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Revision History ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' 2014-09-XX Initial creation and ongoing development. ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' I/O Definitions ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Laser PIN 0 ' Laser input BLeft PIN 6 ' Beacon to left indicator BBack PIN 7 ' Beacon in back indicator BRght PIN 8 ' Beacon to right indicator BFront PIN 9 ' Beacon in front indicator Buzzer PIN 10 ' pin for output sound RMotor PIN 12 ' Pin for right servo LMotor PIN 13 ' Pin for left servo Gripper PIN 14 ' Pin for gripper servo Ping PIN 15 ' Pin for PING))) Sensor ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Constants ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '--------[Calibration Constants, must be adjusted for your specific robot]------ GripperOpened CON 500 ' PULSOUT pulse width to open gripper servo GripperClosed CON 960 ' PULSOUT pulse width to close gripper servo ' These values need tweaking for each robot's servos. SpeedF75L CON 840 ' Fast forward left SpeedF50L CON 808 ' Med forward left SpeedF25L CON 775 ' Slow forward left Speed000L CON 750 ' stop left SpeedR25L CON 710 ' slow reverse left SpeedR50L CON 690 ' med reverse left SpeedR75L CON 650 ' fast reverse left SpeedF75R CON 650 ' Fast forward right SpeedF50R CON 690 ' med forward right SpeedF25R CON 720 ' slow forward right Speed000R CON 750 ' Stop right SpeedR25R CON 775 ' slow reverse right SpeedR50R CON 810 ' med reverse right SpeedR75R CON 850 ' Fast reverse right '---------[Other Global Constants]---------------------------------------------- NULL CON 750 ' Pulse width for 1.5ms stop pulse. Trigger CON 5 ' trigger pulse = 10 uS Scale CON $200 ' raw x 2.00 = uS RawToIn CON 889 ' 1 / 73.746 (with **) IsHigh CON 1 ' for PULSOUT IsLow CON 0 Success CON 0 ' Constant for zero success ErrorBeaconLost CON -1 ' Constant for lost on move ErrorTooClose CON -2 ' Constant for farther than max RIGHT CON 0 ' Subscripts into arrays. LEFT CON 1 FRONT CON 2 BACK CON 3 COM_SPEED CON 84 ' 9600 baudnon-inverted. ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Variables - for simplicty I use exactly the same variables in all modules. ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' General purpose volatile variables which are modified by subroutines or tasks ACC VAR Word ' Loop index variables and for argument passing. X VAR Word Y VAR Word Z VAR Word ' DirReads is a nibble array DirReads VAR Nib(4) ' State variables which are modified to reflect changes of robot state. RSpeed VAR Word ' Holds current r motor pulse LSpeed VAR Word ' Holds current l motor pulse GripState VAR Word ' Holds current gripper pulse ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Initialization ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Program Code ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Pause at start of program to let user set down robot. FREQOUT Buzzer, 1000, 2500 GripState = GripperOpened GOSUB Halt ' stop robot GOSUB FindTarget GOSUB Fetch GripState = GripperClosed GOSUB Halt GOSUB FindBeacon END ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Subroutines ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' slowly rotate until the laser target finds target FindTarget: RSpeed = SpeedF25R LSpeed = SpeedR25L DO ' Each iteration refresh the servos GOSUB PulseServos IF (Laser = IsLow) THEN GOSUB Halt FREQOUT Buzzer, 1000, 2500 RETURN ENDIF LOOP ' moves towards the target and stops when it is in range Fetch: Y = 0 DO Y = Y + 1 ' Every so often check that we still see the target ' If not then turn TO face it IF (Y > 35 AND Laser = IsHigh) THEN GOSUB FindTarget Y = 0 ENDIF ' slowly move forward to the desired distance to the target RSpeed = SpeedF50R LSpeed = SpeedF50L GOSUB PulseServos ' Exit if we're close to the target GOSUB PingDistance IF (X < 3) THEN GOSUB Halt RETURN ENDIF LOOP ' PingDistance - reads the distance to the target. ' Inputs: ' Outputs: ' X - distance in inches. PingDistance: Ping = IsLow ' make trigger 0-1-0 PULSOUT Ping, Trigger ' activate sensor PULSIN Ping, IsHigh, X ' measure echo pulse X = X */ Scale ' convert to uS X = X / 2 ' remove return trip X = X ** RawToIn ' convert to inches RETURN ' Turn the robot on its axis by the amount in signed byte Arg at speed Veloc. ' Inputs: ' Arg - number of brads to turn. > 0 turns left; Arg < 0 turns right. ' Veloc - peak speed where 0 is stop and 15 is fast. ' Outputs: ' X - 0 success, -1 beacon lost, -2 closer than min Turn: RETURN ' Stop moving Halt: RSpeed = Speed000R LSpeed = Speed000L ' Called to refresh the servos. PulseServos: PULSOUT RMotor, RSpeed PULSOUT LMotor, LSpeed PULSOUT Gripper, GripState PAUSE 20 RETURN ' ReadBeacon - scans the beacon pins, removes spurious noise and returns value. ' Inputs: ' none ' Outputs: ' ACC - most common direction ' Z - number of occurances ReadBeacon: FOR Y = RIGHT TO BACK DirReads(Y) = 0 NEXT FOR Y = 0 TO 6 IF BFront = IsLow THEN DirReads(Front) = DirReads(Front) + 1 ENDIF IF BRght = IsLow THEN DirReads(Right) = DirReads(Right) + 1 ENDIF IF BLeft = IsLow THEN DirReads(Left) = DirReads(Left) + 1 ENDIF IF BBack = IsLow THEN DirReads(BACK) = DirReads(BACK) + 1 ENDIF NEXT ' Have a bias towards LEFT to initiate beacon search ACC = LEFT Z = DirReads(LEFT) FOR Y = RIGHT TO BACK ' If this direction is more common than current max, make it max IF DirReads(Y) > Z THEN ACC = Y Z = DirReads(Y) ENDIF NEXT RETURN ' Find the beacon, althouh at the present no exit condition is specified FindBeacon: ' slowly rotate until the beacon locater spots its target RSpeed = SpeedF25R LSpeed = SpeedR25L DO ' Each iteration refresh the servos GOSUB PulseServos GOSUB ReadBeacon IF (ACC = Back) THEN ' quickly do a 180 RSpeed = SpeedR75R LSpeed = SpeedF75L Y = 40 ELSEIF (ACC = Right) THEN ' rotate until the beacon is front RSpeed = SpeedR50R LSpeed = SpeedF50L Y = 20 ELSEIF (ACC = Left) THEN ' rotate until the beacon is in front RSpeed = SpeedF50R LSpeed = SpeedR50L Y = 20 ELSEIF (ACC = Front) THEN ' Move towards beacon RSpeed = SpeedF75R LSpeed = SpeedF75L Y = 1 ENDIF DO UNTIL Y = 0 GOSUB PulseServos Y = Y - 1 LOOP LOOP
Nice work!
Outstanding work being able to clock everything so smoothly with the code!
They based around a pair of Pololu IR beacons that parallax sells, here's a link: . But I built the app mod board that lets me plug one into the Boe-bot, and a stand for the other one. This keeps them roughly at the same height and above the other sensors. I think anyone who's gone through the "Robotics with the Boe-Bot" book can understand how they work and put them to good use. But because they're surface mount with their own microcontroller they offload a lot of complexity from the BS2 in not much space.
That's very cool!
I bet you could get close to 15' if the reflective was not wrapped, but a 3" flat strip on the front of the target. That's how I got my best results.
I'm going to make more targets for three point navigation. So I'll try the flat strip as that's easier to fabricate than a round target anyway. I've done integer trig with the BS2 before, so how hard can triangulation be?