? about TV_TEXT object
Posts: 330
I'm not understanding how to use the
out($0A) or out ($0b)to set the cursor column or line position in the TV_TEXT object. It says "x follows". But follows exactly what and how? A little guidance will be greatly appreciated. I can find no demo or code where that instruction is used.
I have the two texts running in separate cogs (one running time of day at top of screen and the other [not working yet] running a countdown timer in the center of screen. I'd like to reset the countdown timer and some text that goes with it but leave the time of day untouched.
I've tried setting the cursor at the beginning of text to be erased and then writing spaces over it but so far not working.
I'm using a RTC for the TOD. The program will also do some other stuff intermittently which is why the separate cogs for time so it doesn't go away while the other stuff (EMIC 2 speech) is happening.
Maybe I'm all wet but I hope this can be done somehow.
@PhiPi I'll look at that. I'm always looking for the most usable objects for my purposes
WOW! There's way more things than I even hoped I could do on a TV with that object. Time to study and play.Thanks Phil
TV_Text works a bit like the old school text terminals. The screen is treated as a number of tiles arranged as X rows by Y columns. Each tile corresponds to a byte in memory, ant the program uses that byte and the lookup table to "draw" the character on the screen.
I don't think it's as hard as you think.
I think one just needs to change a couple of constants in "TV_Text.spin" object.
Starting on line 10 of the object you'll find:
I'm pretty sure reducing the values of these constants will increase the text size.
I used the following values on one of my 2.5" displays.
IIRC, there are some values which don't work well. I have a note in my program indicating the object didn't work well if I set "rows" to the value of 8.
I have a 3.0" TFT LCD http://www.brilldea.com/assets_files/30lcdanddriver/3.0%20LCD%20and%20Driver%20PCBA-Datasheet-Rev009.pdf
I have tried a number of values , including your set just now and still doesn't seem to make any difference
Can you get the display to work at all? What is it doing you don't want it to?
I stand corrected. After seeing Duane's post and looking at the TV_Text and TV code it does seem to allow for 16x16 and 16x32 tile sizes, and possibly a 32x32 tile size. That would allow for two or possibly three different tile and character sizes. From the comments in the code it sounds like a limited number of tile rows/columns choices would work well.
You need to reduce the cols and rows in Tv_Text CON section and increase the hx and vx values in the DAT section also