Hackaday Birthday Event: October 4th in Pasadena
Posts: 9,186
Note who's on the speaker list....
Note who's on the speaker list....
Now, go preach to the masses.!
Excellent. That's a winning topic.
If you are thinking of having a princess to entertain your princesses, and you don't already have one, contact my friend Kalinda (super nice lady, wonderful with kids) at Wishing Well Entertainment
-- http://www.wishingwellparties.net
I pointed out Parallax's move toward Open Source, and shared about the multitude of programming languages that one can use. A couple guys were quite excited by the idea of being able to use Forth.
I spent the rest of the evening talking with people -- okay, shouting over the STUPIDLY LOUD music that was playing -- about the Propeller. My voice is a little sore today, but it was worth it.
Even with the computer glitch, I think it was a win for the Propeller.
Thank you for the continued preaching.
I finished a BS1-IC version of my 2D laser tracker at 3 am the day of the event, so I took it there and gave numerous demos at the party. Most people assumed it was Arduino-based, so I got to do a little Parallax preaching too. Nothing compared to Jon's, but I connected with several folks in the name of minimalism and the KISS principle. People really do love lasers and servos, maybe I rshould have hooked up a flamethrower to it instead of the little beeper. I'll post a demo video of the new & improved unit in that thread over in robotics in a bit.
Glad it went well despite the hardware/connection problems.
Why do event planners feel like music have to drown out everything?!?
Hey JonnyMac,
I just watched your presentation on HAD, it really shows how much Propeller and Parallax means to you.
We need more like you to spread the word.
Good luck with the acting too ;-)
How many cups of Starbucks did you consume before that presentation? You seemed pumped up.
I have learned so much from your SX, Basic Stamp, Nut&Volts, and Spin articles, that I have to take every opportunity to say what a great job you do.
Not only here, but your clients seem to feel the same way too.
Thanks for all the contributions!
I had just the video clip since I did not attended there. Sadly the clip ends midways. I really enjoyed listening to you.
I am just a nobody here in Propeller Land and I am fine with this. But I really like the effort you put in here. Very often I am stumbling on code you wrote. Not that the code just works, it is also well written and understandable. So I can learn from it. I learned a lot of my knowledge about the propeller from your posts, your code in the OBEX and your articles like in Nuts and Volts.. Just Excellent.
So I am here to say "Thank You" loud and clear.
Please don't ever say that about yourself, Mike -- to me or to anybody. I'm regular guy (should be evident from the video) who takes great joy in helping others with the technology bits that I know.
And thank you for the kind words. I hope that my future works are helpful.