Ping Sensor With Servos
I understand that Servo motors need a "refresh" about every 20 seconds or so. So, in the below code, how would I go about doing this so that they are not interrupted when using my Ping sensors? The code works fine for roughly 20 seconds and then just stops.
'' *************************************** '' * Ping))) Demo with PST & LED's * '' * Author: Parallax Staff * '' * Copyright (c) 2006 Parallax, Inc. * '' * See end of file for terms of use. * '' * Started: 06-03-2010 * '' *************************************** {{ Code Description : In this example there are two LED's to indicate a distance. If the distance is further than 6 inches than LED 1 will turn on, and if the distance is closer than 6 inches than LED 2 turns on; while either LED 1 or 2 is on, the alternate LED will be off. There is a numerical display of the values in the Parallax Serial Terminal (PST) at 9600 baud (true). }} CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 PING_Pin = 13 ' I/O Pin For PING))) LED1 = 0 ' I/O PIN for LED 1 LED2 = 9 ' I/O PIN for LED 2 ON = 1 OFF = 0 Distlimit = 6 ' In inches VAR long range OBJ ping : "ping" servo : "PropBoe Servos" PUB Start dira[LED1..LED2]~~ outa[LED1..LED2]~ waitcnt(clkfreq + cnt) repeat ' Repeat Forever range := ping.Inches(PING_Pin) ' Get Range In Inches ' if range > Distlimit ' Comparing range to a set value of 6 inches outa[LED1] := ON ' P1 is on outa[LED2] := OFF ' P2 is off servo.Set(14,250) servo.Set(15,-250) elseif range < Distlimit ' If range is further than 6 inches outa[LED1] := OFF ' P1 is off outa[LED2] := ON ' P2 is on servo.Set(14,-10) servo.Set(15,-10) {{
What happens when range is equal to DistLimit?
I would change this:
elseif range < Distlimit
to this:
"ping" is written in Spin and I don't believe it uses a separate cog for timing.