Question about RS-485
Posts: 154
Anybody have any hints or tips to share regarding connecting a 3.3v RS-485 differential driver to a 5v device(s) on the same bus?
I want to build a piece of test equipment using a Propeller but the existing bus is connected to 5v powered devices, and I'm not sure if there are any pitfalls. I contemplated using logic level converters to interface the Propeller to a 5v driver but don't know if that is overkill (yet).
I'm looking at the Exar SP3072 for the chip, and their app note addresses an issue if the receivers AB lines are pulled up to 5v with no termination, but I am wondering if anybody out here could offer anything else for me to consider.
Thanks in advance! -bryan
I want to build a piece of test equipment using a Propeller but the existing bus is connected to 5v powered devices, and I'm not sure if there are any pitfalls. I contemplated using logic level converters to interface the Propeller to a 5v driver but don't know if that is overkill (yet).
I'm looking at the Exar SP3072 for the chip, and their app note addresses an issue if the receivers AB lines are pulled up to 5v with no termination, but I am wondering if anybody out here could offer anything else for me to consider.
Thanks in advance! -bryan
It is just the Tx and Rx TTL logic input/output that desire one or the other. Baud rate and distance performance should be about the same.
And I have adapted 5.0v TTL logic RS485 trancievers to use with the Propeller as they are just easier to buy locally. Yes, adding a 4.7K resistor to Propeller inputs to protect it will work. You do have to be careful to not have long wires to the Tx and Rx as cross-talk between the two can be a problem. Don't run them parallel and next to each other.
Thanks again!
Recently, I have gotten into considering fiber optic as a very reasonable alternative to both. If you really are going miles on twisted pairs, fiber optic cable as an alternative might eliminating having to dread rushing out for service calls after every passing thunderstorm.
This link seems to be very good and have reasonable prices.
you are right @ Loopy Byteloose
Wireless is great where mobity is needed and your habits are less than predicatable. It just fits a different set of parameters.
We have been using wireless for a century now. The world is covered in broadcast radio and TV transmitters with huge tall antenna systems not to mention the forest of domestic TV antennas that receive those broadcasts.
There are services like ambulance, police, taxi and so on for whom wireless communication is critical.
Today we have many millions of mobile phone cell towers all around the world. The cell phone system is now pretty critical.
All these wireless systems live in a sea of storms and lightning and they seem to be amazingly reliable.
It's not as if long cable runs cannot be susceptible to lightning attacks either.
As it happens we are looking for wireless solutions to some almost critical applications. I did consider the lightning issues as well. At the end of the day though if the solution is a least as reliable as current wired systems we are good to go.
Snooping is an issue. Or in our case the injection of fake sensor data would be annoying. However wireless security has improved a lot and one can ways layer a VPN or such like over the channel as well. Again it's not as if cables have not been sniffed before.
About the only choices that I think are poor are the traditional RS232, the traditional parallel cable, and maybe even the USB serial.
USB tends to be called upon to do many things that can be done in better ways, especially when the user begins to desire to communicate over distances beyond 25 feet.
Many users that turn to RS232 are unaware that RS422 full-duplex is better and even simpler to construct. There is just a huge corpus of DIY examples using RS232 that overwhelms people from learning better alternatives.
Fiber optic is ideal for outdoor use where a secure private line is the goal, but it has to be done right. Fiber optic won't tolerate kinks and stretching of the cable. Many good cables have a steel wire cable to eliminate stretch when hung pole-to-pole.
Wireless has a big array of choices; X-bee, Bluetooth, Wifi, and more.
I only mentioned fiber optic because the OP said something about 10 miles distance. Not sure if he really meant that as RS485/RS422 twisted pairs could only do that with several repeater stations.
There are enhancements to the RS485/422 termination that can improve performance and protection, including lightning arrestors. Since I have never gone far into the outdoors with twisted pairs, I have always just used a 300ohm resistor. But that certainly can be enhanced.
Interesting, do you have any links to such USB to CAT5 extenders?
Still, that is just adding more complexity to the already over complex USB.
The USB over distance seems to actually be converting to twisted-pair drivers, and then back to USB (which has to be converted to ttl serial for the Propeller). Seems to me another gadget that is adding an adapter on top of an adapter and requiring a more complex USB at the Propeller end.
Yes it works. But you have more devices doing more things just to get there. At the very least, it consumes more power than necessary.
Just Google usb extender, and you'll find a bunch of them.