Interesting little 4 digit LCD TINY display!

Here's a cute little thing:
Might have to get a few of these... unless Erco knows of a cheaper one for the size?
Might have to get a few of these... unless Erco knows of a cheaper one for the size?

Sounds reasonable...
That's tiny!
Good for on-board counters instead of the vintage mercury-based elapsed time indicator.
Have you seen these OLED displays?
At $5, I think they're an amazing deal. There's an object in the OBEX which works great with the displays.
They're wouldn't necessarily be a good alternative to the small LCD in lots of applications, but I think they're a really nice little display for the money.
The photo above shows the display in an aluminum wallet erco mentioned a while back.
These things come with their own magnifier.
I couldn't resist those little 7-segment displays and I purchased a few with my last SparkFun order. I also couldn't resist their larger 7-segment displays.
I'm usually a sucker for any deal erco posts too. I don't suppose there's a 12-step program for my weakness?
Duane- Would you mind referencing the object?
AND - there is a 10% off sale at Parallax too...
This is the one.
I have a version I think is a bit cleaner. The OBEX code is based on the SPI object from the Propeller Library and sets up the I/O pin masks and directions with each write. It works fine but but it does slow down the driver a little (I doubt a noticeable amount).
I've attached my modified version (which includes the Propeller beanie).
But you really do need 5 of these OLED displays. Look how nicely they work with the QuickStart.
They draw less than 20mA of current with this amount of text displayed so they can be powered from an I/O pin.
You might need ten.
Thanks for posting...TINY displays are very hard to find....and are very useful.
You are right, of course. It was a moral imperative to buy one for every close-out QS board in my collection.
I think it's the usual 2 to 3 weeks. IIRC, it was closer to 2 weeks than 3 weeks.
Edit- Yes you do need to remove jumper resistors R3, R4, R5 & R7 and jump R8 position with a 0 ohm jumper that you took off one of the other 4. Works great now!
Yes, I converted mine to SPI. I'm pretty sure the resistors they tell you to remove are all 0 ohm. Use one of these jumpers to make the connection in the instructions.
The displays are now backordered. You must have convinced a lot of us.
Quite a piece of work by you and W1AUV. Thanks!
BTW, OLEDs aren't exactly the longest-lived display. Makes me wonder how many hours of operation these will be good for. Any info or experience with that?
The annoying thing is how different parts of the screen have faded differently. The top status bar is now "burned" in. So I imagine an OLED used for displaying essentially static text for a long time will end up with that text burned in, like the old phosphor tubes.
Anyone have experience with this?
My contribution probably speeds up the code and reduces the size of the code but W1AUV deserves most (if not all) the credit for translating the Adafruit code to Spin. I doubt my "speed" enhancements are noticeable to the user.
I still hope to make a way of easily inserting small bitmaps into the display area. I think I left the code to display the small Propeller beanie in the demo but the code used to place the beanie is very awkward.
I haven't used these $5 ITead OLEDs enough to know how durable they are. I've wondered about sacrificing one row and one column of text (small text) and having the display move the displayed text over a pixel at a time at some interval to avoid the burn in issue. The screen makes scrolling the image easy so this addition should be too hard to add.
That sounds like a great idea. Rather think I'll borrow it.
I think I'll also eliminate unnecessary labeling. Why burn out pixels for nothing? May as well make them all pun intended.