ActivityBot Encoders
Been away from this for a bit, but yesterday, I had time to start back up. Went through the navigation tutorials for the ActivityBot just to brush up and all was fine. Encoders hooked up properly, tested out correctly. Bot tracked straight and reasonable results with the turning tutorials. Doing this as I try to integrate with ROS. Noticed that I was a bit behind in the SimpleIDE and support files, so downloaded the new one. Now, encoders do not work at all. They seem to be pulled high constantly. Called support and they said that they had not heard of similar and to throw it out to the forums. Has anyone else experienced anything like this after upgrading the ide and support files? Is it possible to get the old one anywhere just to try?
If you ran that code and the encoders really are pulled high, start by double-checking everything on this page:
If that doesn't fix it and you have an ActivityBot that was purchased more than a year ago, search for "You may need to adjust the servo or servo bracket." on this page:
On the other hand, if the encoders tested out okay, but the ActivityBot is still misbehaving, it is possible that the library is old enough that it's looking to a different set of EEPROM addresses for calibration data. To test for that, run the program with the drive_displayInterpolation() call on this page:
Here is an example of a healthy interpolation table data set: The values for left and right servo should start with 1000. Then, they should maintain some average value in the 170 to 200 range for around 15 rows. Then, the values should decrease to zero, and increase back to 170 to 200, and end with another 1000 value.
If that IS the way your calibration table looks, then it's fine. If NOT, re-run ActivityBot Calibrate. (Same page
One thing to check. Do the P12/P13 and P14/P15 power shunt jumpers have little handles on them? If so, they may be loose enough to fail to maintain the electrical connection. I have seen a 1 day to the next symptom with these, especially with the encoders, (P14/15). I would recommend taking that jumper off, and bending the pins it shunts ever so slightly away from each other so that when you put it back on, it maintains firm electrical contact.