AHDL help needed
Posts: 242
I am stuck with AHDL. I want to add three pins to the top level module, and use those in the dig.v module but I keep getting compile errors.
The three pins / signals have been added to the top.tdf file as follows
and in the dig.v as follows
and connected in the top.tdf file with
Quartus keeps complaining
What I am doing wrong??
The three pins / signals have been added to the top.tdf file as follows
subdesign top ( clock_50 : input; -- clock input inp_resn : input; -- reset pin io [31..0] : bidir; -- i/o pins ledg [7..0] : output; -- cog leds dbgdata : output; dbgclock : input; dbgstart : input; )
and in the dig.v as follows
module dig ( input nres, // reset input (active low) output [7:0] cfg, // configuration output (set by clkset instruction) input clk_cog, // cog clock input input clk_pll, // pll simulator clock input (2x cog clock) input [31:0] pin_in, // pin state inputs output [31:0] pin_out, // pin state outputs output [31:0] pin_dir, // pin direction outputs input dbstart, input dbclock, output dbdata, output [7:0] cog_led ); // led outputs to show which cogs are active
and connected in the top.tdf file with
-- debug pins dbgdata = core.dbdata; core.dbclock = dbgclock; core.dbstart = dbgstart;
Quartus keeps complaining
Error (287071): Symbolic name "dbdata" must be port of megafunction, macrofunction, primitive, or state machine "core" Error (287071): Symbolic name "dbclock" must be port of megafunction, macrofunction, primitive, or state machine "core" Error (287071): Symbolic name "dbstart" must be port of megafunction, macrofunction, primitive, or state machine "core" Error: Quartus II 64-Bit Analysis & Synthesis was unsuccessful. 3 errors, 0 warnings
What I am doing wrong??
I'm no expert in AHDL, but from my readings about syntax, the problem seems to be at your version of dig.v
It's a little subtle, but it appears to be about the position of the ");" in between "output [7:0] cog_led" and "// led outputs to show which cogs are active".
IMHO it should read:
I've checked at the original 60050,60056-Propeller-1-Design-2014-08-11 and it's written this way there.
Since I've no means of testing it, I'm letting to you to verify it works.
Fingers crossed here!