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Any brainiacs willing to better comment P1V code for us mere mortals? — Parallax Forums

Any brainiacs willing to better comment P1V code for us mere mortals?

markmark Posts: 253
edited 2014-09-09 23:41 in Propeller 1

So I tried prepping myself a bit before checking out the P1V code by reading some verilog tutorials. I'd be lying if I said I understood it all and was ready to go, but I figured I could at least start peeking at the code and do a bit of research when something wasn't clear. It didn't take more than a couple of lines into cog.v to be completely lost by nothing more than many of the names used for "constants" (inputs/outputs/parameters). Of course, I also don't know what things like 'ena' (enable?) and 'ena_bus', etc. etc. are supposed to be for. Maybe it's just my noobishness, but to me it doesn't appear to be for the faint of heart. If this code makes sense to anyone, I sincerely hope they would be willing to comment the code better (no rush! Just would appreciate if someone would undertake it!). Any takers?



  • mindrobotsmindrobots Posts: 6,506
    edited 2014-08-22 18:37
    I'm far from a brainiac but I am taking notes any making an annotated better commented copy. As usual, I'm in no hurry...
  • markmark Posts: 253
    edited 2014-08-22 18:50
    mindrobots wrote: »
    I'm far from a brainiac but I am taking notes any making an annotated better commented copy. As usual, I'm in no hurry...

    Great! I hope you'll share your progress every now and then :)
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2014-08-22 19:13
    I will try an post some pieces to the puzzle here over the w/e. I am only new to Verilog so there may be some errors but on the whole it will be useful.
  • markmark Posts: 253
    edited 2014-08-22 19:37
    Cool! Looking forward to it!
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2014-08-22 20:19
    Here is a start. The Verilog files go together like this map. I am unsure of the higher levels of the FPGA files at present.
                                               │                                 │
                                             dig.v                              ???
                                   │                                 │
                                 cog.v                             hub.v
                                   │                                 │
                  ┌──────────┬─────┴────┬──────────┐                 │      
                  │          │          │          │                 │
               cog_alu.v  cog_ctr.v  cog_vid.v  cog_ram.v         hub_mem.v
    Perhaps someone with an understanding of Quartus/FPGA can update the drawing?
  • markmark Posts: 253
    edited 2014-08-22 20:47
    Cluso99 wrote: »
    Here is a start. The Verilog files go together like this map. I am unsure of the higher levels of the FPGA files at present.
                                               │                                 │
                                             dig.v                              ???
                                   │                                 │
                                 cog.v                             hub.v
                                   │                                 │
                  ┌──────────┬─────┴────┬──────────┐                 │      
                  │          │          │          │                 │
               cog_alu.v  cog_ctr.v  cog_vid.v  cog_ram.v         hub_mem.v
    Perhaps someone with an understanding of Quartus/FPGA can update the drawing?

    I tried a few times to post the drawing file (spin) but the forum refuses! I will try again later.

    This is what I gathered as well. I'm guessing any top file would be FPGA specific. I don't currently have one, I was just browsing the code with Scriptum.
  • pik33pik33 Posts: 2,404
    edited 2014-08-22 22:26
    This top.??? is top.tdf, another ??? is tim.tdf which generates some clocks.
  • Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL)Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL) Posts: 1,720
    edited 2014-08-22 23:08
    Comments Chip made

    Re: Hub "API"

    Here are the ones that needed some more explanation.

    ena_bus -- high on every other clock, makes the hub run half the speed of the cogs
    r -- high when cog is loading program, turns on ROM descrambling
    s -- selects byte/word/long
    c -- carry
    bus_ack -- acknowledge back to cog that hub request completed
    cog_ena -- 8 lines, each cog gets one, enables the cog if high
    ptr_w -- write PAR during COGINIT
    ptr_d -- data for writing PAR during COGINIT
    cfg -- control bits set by CLKSET
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2014-08-22 23:31
    Here is the file cog.v with updated explanations...
    Note: The forum has not expanded tab stops correctly. I view the source file with Notepad++.
    // cog
    Copyright 2014 Parallax Inc.
    This file is part of the hardware description for the Propeller 1 Design.
    The Propeller 1 Design is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
    Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
    any later version.
    The Propeller 1 Design is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
    or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
    more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
    the Propeller 1 Design.  If not, see <[URL][/URL]>.
    // RR20140823 Comments by Cluso99
    instruction        mnem oper R  C  Z   +- C  D  S
    000000 ZC0ICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  WRBYTE D,S  _______   __________
    000000 ZC1ICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  RDBYTE D,S  B______   __________
    000001 ZC0ICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  WRWORD D,S  _______   __________
    000001 ZC1ICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  RDWORD D,S  B______   __________
    000010 ZC0ICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  WRLONG D,S  _______   __________
    000010 ZC1ICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  RDLONG D,S  B______   __________
    000011 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  SYSOP D,S  B__B___   __________
    000100 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS * <MUL> D,S  M__M__Z   __________
    000101 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS * <MULS> D,S  M__M__Z   __________
    000110 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS * <ENC> D,S  E_____Z   __________
    000111 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS * <ONES> D,S  E_____Z   __________
    001000 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  ROR  D,S  R__R__Z   __________
    001001 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  ROL  D,S  R__R__Z   __________
    001010 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  SHR  D,S  R__R__Z   __________
    001011 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  SHL  D,S  R__R__Z   __________
    001100 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  RCR  D,S  R__R__Z   __________
    001101 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  RCL  D,S  R__R__Z   __________
    001110 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  SAR  D,S  R__R__Z   __________
    001111 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  REV  D,S  R__R__Z   __________
    010000 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  MINS D,S  L__As_Z   1__0__1__1
    010001 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  MAXS D,S  L__As_Z   1__0__1__1
    010010 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  MIN  D,S  L__Au_Z   1__0__1__1
    010011 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  MAX  D,S  L__Au_Z   1__0__1__1
    010100 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  MOVS D,S  L______   __________
    010101 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  MOVD D,S  L______   __________
    010110 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  MOVI D,S  L______   __________
    010111 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  JMPRET D,S  L______   __________
    011000 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  AND  D,S  L__L__Z   __________
    011001 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  ANDN D,S  L__L__Z   __________
    011010 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  OR  D,S  L__L__Z   __________
    011011 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  XOR  D,S  L__L__Z   __________
    011100 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  MUXC D,S  L__L__Z   __________
    011101 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  MUXNC D,S  L__L__Z   __________
    011110 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  MUXZ D,S  L__L__Z   __________
    011111 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  MUXNZ D,S  L__L__Z   __________
    100000 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  ADD  D,S  A__Au_Z   0__0__1__1
    100001 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  SUB  D,S  A__Au_Z   1__0__1__1
    101000 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  MOV  D,S  A__Am_Z   0__0__0__1
    101001 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  NEG  D,S  A__Am_Z   1__0__0__1
    101010 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  ABS  D,S  A__Am_Z   M__0__0__1
    110000 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  CMPS D,S  A__As_Z   1__0__1__1
    110100 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  ADDS D,S  A__Ao_Z   0__0__1__1
    110101 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  SUBS D,S  A__Ao_Z   1__0__1__1
    111001 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  DJNZ D,S  A__Au_Z   1__1__1__0
    111010 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  TJNZ D,S  A__Au_Z   1__0__1__0
    111011 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  TJZ  D,S  A__Au_Z   1__0__1__0
    111100 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  WAITPEQ D,S  _______   __________
    111101 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  WAITPNE D,S  _______   __________
    111111 ZCRICCCC DDDDDDDDD SSSSSSSSS  WAITVID D,S  _______   __________
    * future instructions
    ZCR  effects
    000  nz, nc, nr
    001  nz, nc, r
    010  nz, c,  nr
    011  nz, c,  r
    100  z,  nc, nr
    101  z,  nc, r
    110  z,  c,  nr
    111  z,  c,  r
    CCCC condition   (easier-to-read list)
    0000 never    1111 always   (default)
    0001 nc  &  nz   1100 if_c       if_b
    0010 nc  &  z   0011 if_nc       if_ae
    0011 nc     1010 if_z       if_e
    0100  c  &  nz   0101 if_nz       if_ne
    0101 nz     1000 if_c_and_z  if_z_and_c
    0110  c  <> z   0100 if_c_and_nz  if_nz_and_c
    0111 nc  |  nz   0010 if_nc_and_z  if_z_and_nc
    1000  c  &  z   0001 if_nc_and_nz if_nz_and_nc if_a
    1001  c  =  z   1110 if_c_or_z  if_z_or_c  if_be
    1010  z     1101 if_c_or_nz  if_nz_or_c
    1011 nc  |  z   1011 if_nc_or_z  if_z_or_nc
    1100  c     0111 if_nc_or_nz  if_nz_or_nc
    1101  c  |  nz   1001 if_c_eq_z  if_z_eq_c
    1110  c  |  z   0110 if_c_ne_z  if_z_ne_c
    1111 always    0000 never
    I SSSSSSSSS source operand
    0 SSSSSSSSS register
    1 #SSSSSSSSS immediate, zero-extended
     DDDDDDDDD destination operand
     DDDDDDDDD register
    `include "cog_ram.v"
    `include "cog_alu.v"
    `include "cog_ctr.v"
    `include "cog_vid.v"
    module    cog
    input    nres,   // reset
    input    clk_pll,  // clocks
    input    clk_cog,
    input    ena_bus,
    input    ptr_w,   // pointers
    input  [27:0] ptr_d,
    input    ena,   // control
    input    bus_sel,  // bus
    output    bus_r,
    output    bus_e,
    output    bus_w,
    output   [1:0] bus_s,
    output  [15:0] bus_a,
    output  [31:0] bus_d,
    input  [31:0] bus_q,
    input    bus_c,
    input    bus_ack,
    input  [31:0] cnt,   // counter
    input   [7:0] pll_in,   // pll's
    output    pll_out,
    input  [31:0] pin_in,   // pins
    output  [31:0] pin_out,
    output  [31:0] pin_dir
    // The following are used for location of the bits in an instruction...
    parameter oh  = 31;   // \ iiiiii (instruction bits) location - bits[31:26]
    parameter ol  = 26;   // /
    parameter wz  = 25;   // WZ bit location
    parameter wc  = 24;   //  WC bit location
    parameter wr  = 23;   //  NR bit location
    parameter im  = 22;   //  I  bit location
    parameter ch  = 21;   // \ cccc (conditional execution bits) location [21:18]
    parameter cl  = 18;   // / 
    parameter dh  = 17;   // \ ddddddddd (destination bits) location [17:9]
    parameter dl  = 9;   // /
    parameter sh  = 8;   // \ sssssssss (source bits) location [8:0]
    parameter sl  = 0;   // /
    // pointers
    reg [27:0] ptr;
    always @(posedge clk_cog or negedge nres)
    if (!nres)
     ptr <= 28'b00000000000000_11111000000000;  // used to force a cog start/boot
    else if (ena_bus && ptr_w)
     ptr <= ptr_d;         // when running
    // load/run
    reg run;
    always @(posedge clk_cog or negedge ena)
    if (!ena)
     run <= 1'b0;         // when cog is idle, run=0
    else if (m[3] && (&px))
     run <= 1'b1;         // when cog is running, run=1
    // state
    // When running, the cog can be in 5 states, represented by m[4:0]
    // These relate to the 6 clocks of an instruction. Due to overlapping instructions, the instructions effectively use 4 clocks.
    // I d S D e R      <---- first instruction
    //          I d S D e R    <---- next instruction
    //                  I d S D e R  <---- next instruction
    // where    I = instruction fetch     (executes previous instruction)
    //   d = decode instruction     (write previous instructions Result)
    //   S = fetch source (unless immediate)
    //   D = fetch destination
    //   e = execute instruction    (fetch next instruction)
    //   R = write result     (decode next instruction)
    // below m[0] = S
    //   m[1] = D
    //   m[2] = I
    //   m[3] = R
    //   m[4] = wait (if a wait state needs to be inserted due to a WAITxxx instruction (or wait for hub slot???)
    reg [4:0] m;
    always @(posedge clk_cog or negedge ena)
    if (!ena)
     m <= 5'b0;
     m <= { (m[2] || m[4]) &&  waiti,    // m[4] = wait
         (m[2] || m[4]) && !waiti,    // m[3] = write d
       m[1],         // m[2] = read next instruction
       m[0],         // m[1] = read d
         !m[4] && !m[2] && !m[1] && !m[0] };  // m[0] = read s
    // process
    reg [8:0] p;          // PC program counter
    reg c;            // C (carry) flag
    reg z;            // Z (zero) flag
    always @(posedge clk_cog or negedge ena)
    if (!ena)
     p <= 1'b0;          // cog not running, so PC=0
    else if (m[3] && !(cond && jump_cancel))
     p <= px + 1'b1;         // PC = px + 1 (increment PC)
    always @(posedge clk_cog or negedge ena)
    if (!ena)
     c <= 1'b0;          // cog not running, so C=0
    else if (m[3] && cond && i[wc])
     c <= alu_co;         // update C flag
    always @(posedge clk_cog or negedge ena)
    if (!ena)
     z <= 1'b0;          // cog not running, so Z=0
    else if (m[3] && cond && i[wz])
     z <= alu_zo;         // update Z flag
    // addressable registers
    //  addr read write
    //  ------------------------
    //  000-1EF RAM  RAM
    //  1F0  PAR  RAM
    //  1F1  CNT  RAM
    //  1F2  INA  RAM
    //  1F3  INB * RAM
    //  1F4  RAM  RAM+OUTA
    //  1F5  RAM  RAM+OUTB *
    //  1F6  RAM  RAM+DIRA
    //  1F7  RAM  RAM+DIRB *
    //  1F8  RAM  RAM+CTRA
    //  1F9  RAM  RAM+CTRB
    //  1FA  RAM  RAM+FRQA
    //  1FB  RAM  RAM+FRQB
    //  1FC  PHSA RAM+PHSA
    //  1FD  PHSB RAM+PHSB
    //  1FE  RAM  RAM+VCFG
    //  1FF  RAM  RAM+VSCL
    // * future 64-pin version
    // Set wio if: state m[3] & conditions met & WR(write result) & D = $1Fx (destination is special register)
    wire wio   = m[3] && cond && i[wr] && (&i[dh:dl+4]);
    // Set one of the following if wio, according to D[3:0] (D is $1Fx, so set according to x)
    wire setouta  = wio && i[dl+3:dl] == 4'h4;
    wire setdira  = wio && i[dl+3:dl] == 4'h6;
    wire setctra  = wio && i[dl+3:dl] == 4'h8;
    wire setctrb  = wio && i[dl+3:dl] == 4'h9;
    wire setfrqa  = wio && i[dl+3:dl] == 4'hA;
    wire setfrqb  = wio && i[dl+3:dl] == 4'hB;
    wire setphsa  = wio && i[dl+3:dl] == 4'hC;
    wire setphsb  = wio && i[dl+3:dl] == 4'hD;
    wire setvid   = wio && i[dl+3:dl] == 4'hE;
    wire setscl   = wio && i[dl+3:dl] == 4'hF;
    // register ram
    // ram will be enabled for: m[0], m[1], m[2] , m[3] if condition met and write result
    wire ram_ena  = m[0] || m[1] || m[2] || m[3] && cond && i[wr];
    wire ram_w   = m[3] && alu_wr;   // ram write if: m[3] and ALU write result
    wire [8:0] ram_a = m[2] ? px    // set the ram address to:  PC if state m[2] (instruction fetch)
         : m[0] ? i[sh:sl]   //       Source address if state m[0]
           : i[dh:dl];   //       otherwise destination address
    wire [31:0] ram_q;        // set the result of a ram read
    // instantiate the cog ram by calling the module cog_ram in cog_ram.v
                // sets the parameters in cog_ram
    cog_ram cog_ram_  ( .clk (clk_cog),   // clock
         .ena (ram_ena),   // ram enable
         .w  (ram_w),   // ram write
         .a  (ram_a),   // ram address
         .d  (alu_r),   // ram value to be written (32 bits) ie ALU Result
         .q  (ram_q) );   // ram value read
    // outa/dira
    The OUTA and DIRA registers are AND'ed together and then OR'ed with all other Cogs' values and then to the physical OUTA pins.
    reg [31:0] outa;        // OUTA register 
    reg [31:0] dira;        // DIRA register
    always @(posedge clk_cog)
    if (setouta)
     outa <= alu_r;        // if "setouta" was set above, copy the contents of the ALU Result to OUTA register
    always @(posedge clk_cog)
    if (setdira)
     dira <= alu_r;        // if "setdira" was set above, copy the contents of the ALU Result to DIRA register
    // ctra/ctrb
    // The following are for the counters A and B.
    wire [32:0] phsa;          // current PHSA value
    wire [31:0] ctra_pin_out;        // CTRA output
    wire plla;
    cog_ctr cog_ctra  ( .clk_cog (clk_cog),    // system clock
         .clk_pll (clk_pll),    // PLL clock
         .ena  (ena),     // counter enabled
         .setctr  (setctra),    // setctra signal (ie write to CTRA)
         .setfrq  (setfrqa),    // setfrqa signal (ie write to FRQA)
         .setphs  (setphsa),    // setphsa signal (ie write to PHSA)
         .data  (alu_r),    // data (32 bits) input
         .pin_in  (pin_in),    // 
         .phs  (phsa),     // PHSA output value
         .pin_out (ctra_pin_out),   //
         .pll  (plla) );    // PLLA output register/value
    wire [32:0] phsb;
    wire [31:0] ctrb_pin_out;
    wire pllb;
    cog_ctr cog_ctrb  ( .clk_cog (clk_cog),
         .clk_pll (clk_pll),
         .ena  (ena),
         .setctr  (setctrb),
         .setfrq  (setfrqb),
         .setphs  (setphsb),
         .data  (alu_r),
         .pin_in  (pin_in),
         .phs  (phsb),
         .pin_out (ctrb_pin_out),
         .pll  (pllb) );
    assign pll_out  = plla;
    // vid
    // The following are for the Video:
    wire vidack;           // video ack (signals end of WAITVID ???)
    wire [31:0] vid_pin_out;        // video output signals on appropriate pins
    // Instantiate the video from cog_vid.v
    cog_vid cog_vid_  ( .clk_cog (clk_cog),    // system clock
         .clk_vid (plla),     // PLLA clock input
         .ena  (ena),     // video enable
         .setvid  (setvid),    // setvid signal (ie write to VCFG)
         .setscl  (setscl),    // setscl signal (ie write to VSCL)
         .data  (alu_r),    // data (32 bits) input
         .pixel  (s),     // Source (32 bits) value
         .color  (d),     // Destination (32 bits) value
         .aural  (pll_in),    // ???
         .carrier (pllb),     // ???
         .ack  (vidack),    // WAITVID complete????
         .pin_out (vid_pin_out) );  // video output on pins
    // instruction
    // decode the instruction value...
    reg [31:0] ix;           // stores next instruction fetched
    always @(posedge clk_cog)
    if (m[3])
     ix <= ram_q;          // if m[3] then store the ram read results for the next instruction fetched
    wire [31:0] i  = run ? ix :       // if cog running, save next instruction fetched
           {14'b000010_001_0_0001, p, 9'b000000000};  // else set "boot" instruction to "IF_A RDLONG PC,0"
    // source
    // decode the source value...
    reg [31:0] sy;           // temp holding register for ram read of source address
    reg [31:0] s;           // final source value
    always @(posedge clk_cog)
    if (m[1])
     sy <= ram_q;          // state m[1]: save the source value read from ram in m[0]
    wire [31:0] sx  = i[im]     ? {23'b0, i[sh:sl]}    // if I then        sx= immediate source value of instruction
         : i[sh:sl] == 9'h1F0 ? {16'b0, ptr[27:14], 2'b0}  // elseif PAR then  sx= PAR value
         : i[sh:sl] == 9'h1F1 ? cnt       // elseif CNT then  sx= CNT value
         : i[sh:sl] == 9'h1F2 ? pin_in      // elseif INA then  sx= pin_in
         : i[sh:sl] == 9'h1FC ? phsa[31:0]     // elseif PHSA then sx= PHSA value
         : i[sh:sl] == 9'h1FD ? phsb[31:0]     // elseif PHSB then sx= PHSB value
               : sy;       // else             sx= sy (ram source value read)
    always @(posedge clk_cog)
    if (m[2])
     s <= sx;           // state m[2] copy sx value to s
    // destination
    // decode the destination (input) value...
    reg [31:0] d;           // final destination (input) value
    always @(posedge clk_cog)
    if (m[2])
     d <= ram_q;           // state m[2]: save the destination (input) value read from ram in m[1]
    // condition
    // decode the condition code...
    wire [3:0] condx = i[ch:cl];       // extract the cccc bits [21:18] from the instruction
    wire cond   = condx[{c, z}] && !cancel;   // ??? and not cancel (ie need to set the condition flags???)
    // jump/next
    // decode the next PC (program counter) value...
    reg cancel;            // set if jump is cancelled
    wire dz    = ~|d[31:1];      // calculate the Z flag setting
    wire [1:0] jumpx = i[oh:ol] == 6'b010111  ? {1'b1, 1'b0}    // if     retjmp jumpx= 10
         : i[oh:ol] == 6'b111001  ? {1'b1, dz && d[0]}  // elseif djnz   jumpx= 1x (x= zero and result=0)
         : i[oh:ol] == 6'b111010  ? {1'b1, dz && !d[0]}  // elseif tjnz  jumpx= 1x (x= zero and result!=0)
         : i[oh:ol] == 6'b111011  ? {1'b1, !(dz && !d[0])} // elseif tjz    jumpx= 1x (x=!(zero and result=0))
                : {1'b0, 1'b0};    // else  no jump jumpx= 00
    wire jump   = jumpx[1];       // 1= jump instruction
    wire jump_cancel = jumpx[0];       // 1= cancel the jump
    wire [8:0] px  = cond && jump ? sx[8:0] : p;  // if condition met and not cancelled, PC=sx[8:0] (ie jump) else PC=p (ie PC+1)
    always @(posedge clk_cog or negedge ena)
    if (!ena)
     cancel <= 1'b0;          // if cog not enabled then cancel=0
    else if (m[3])
     cancel <= cond && jump_cancel || &px;    // else if m[3] cancel = (condition met and not cancelled) OR &px (&px does what???)
    // bus interface
    // decode bus...
                       // if not bus_sel set zero(s), else...
    assign bus_r  = !bus_sel ? 1'b0 : run;            // ... = run flag   
    assign bus_e  = !bus_sel ? 1'b0 : i[oh:ol+2] == 4'b0000__ && m[4];     // ... = hubop AND m[4] (hubop= RD/WR or SYSOP)
    assign bus_w  = !bus_sel ? 1'b0 : !i[wr];           // ... = write (ie not NR)
    assign bus_s  = !bus_sel ? 2'b0 : i[ol+1:ol];          // ... = i[1:0] bits
    assign bus_a  = !bus_sel ? 16'b0 : run ? s[15:0] : {ptr[13:0] + {5'b0, p}, s[1:0]}; // ... if run = hub addr s[15:0] else "boot???"
    assign bus_d  = !bus_sel ? 32'b0 : d;            // ... =d[31:0]
    // alu interface
    // decode in cog_alu.v ...
    wire alu_wr;         // alu write
    wire [31:0] alu_r;        // alu result
    wire alu_co;         // alu carry flag
    wire alu_zo;         // alu zero flag
    // instantiate cog_alu using cog_alu.v
    cog_alu cog_alu_  ( .i  (i[oh:ol]),   // instruction op code i[31:26]
         .s  (s),    // source value
         .d  (d),    // destination value
         .p  (p),    // PC (program counter)
         .run (run),    // run flag
         .ci  (c),    // input C flag
         .zi  (z),    // input Z flag
         .bus_q (bus_q),   // input ???
         .bus_c (bus_c),   // input ???
         .wr  (alu_wr),   // output write result
         .r  (alu_r),   // output result value
         .co  (alu_co),   // output C flag
         .zo  (alu_zo) );   // output Z flag
    // pin/count match
    reg match;          // set if WAITPEQ/WAITPNE/WAITCNT condition met 
    // decoding instructions WAITPEQ 111100 / WAITPNE 111101 / WAITCNT 111110 ...
    always @(posedge clk_cog)
     match <= m[4] && (i[ol+1:ol] == 2'b01 ^ (i[ol+1] ? cnt : pin_in & s) == d);
    // match <= m[4] &&        // state m[4] AND ...
    //          ( i[ol+1:ol] == 2'b01     // if (instr[1:0]==01) then 1 else 0 (ie if instr=xxxx01= WAITPNE then 1 else 0)
    //   ^          // XOR
    //   (i[ol+1] ? cnt : pin_in & s)    // if instr[1]=1 then CNT else (pin_in AND source mask)
    //   == d);        // == destination value  (ie is CNT met or PINS same)
    // ie   if m[4] AND...
    //     if      WAITCNT then if  CNT                    == destination value (ie count matched)
    //      else if WAITPEQ then if  (pin_in & source mask) == destination value (ie pins & mask matched)
    //      else if WAITPNE then if !(pin_in & source mask) == destination value (ie pins & mask not matched)
    // wait
    wire waitx   = i[oh:ol+2] == 4'b0000__ ? !bus_ack  // if     instr=0000xx then waitx= !bus_ack
         : i[oh:ol+1] == 5'b11110_ ? !match  // elseif instr=11110x then waitx= !match
         : i[oh:ol+0] == 6'b111110 ? !match  // elseif instr=11111x then waitx= !match
         : i[oh:ol+0] == 6'b111111 ? !vidack  // elseif instr=111111 then waitx= !vidack
                : 1'b0;   // else                     waitx= 0
    wire waiti   = cond && waitx;       // set if condition met AND waitx
    // pins
    // set output pins...
    //                    (OUTA |    CTRA      |    CTRB      |   VIDEO    ) & DIRA
    assign pin_out  = (outa | ctra_pin_out | ctrb_pin_out | vid_pin_out) & dira;
    assign pin_dir  = dira;          // DIRA
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2014-08-23 03:35
    Here is the file cog_alu.v with my comments...
    Note: The forum has not expanded tab stops correctly. I view the source file with Notepad++.
    // cog_alu
    Copyright 2014 Parallax Inc.
    This file is part of the hardware description for the Propeller 1 Design.
    The Propeller 1 Design is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
    Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
    any later version.
    The Propeller 1 Design is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
    or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
    more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
    the Propeller 1 Design.  If not, see <[URL][/URL]>.
    // RR20140823 Comments by Cluso99
    module    cog_alu
    input   [5:0] i,    // instruction opcode iiiiii
    input  [31:0] s,    // source value
    input  [31:0] d,    // destination value
    input   [8:0] p,    // PC (program counter)
    input    run,   // run flag
    input    ci,    // C flag input
    input    zi,    // Z flag input
    input  [31:0] bus_q,   // 
    input    bus_c,   //
    output    wr,    // write result flag
    output  [31:0] r,    // result
    output    co,    // C flag 
    output    zo    // Z flag
    // rotation instructions  001nnn - rev/sar/rc/rcr/shl/shr/rol/ror
    wire [31:0] dr  = { d[0],  d[1],  d[2],  d[3],  d[4],  d[5],  d[6],  d[7],
          d[8],  d[9],  d[10], d[11], d[12], d[13], d[14], d[15],
          d[16], d[17], d[18], d[19], d[20], d[21], d[22], d[23],
          d[24], d[25], d[26], d[27], d[28], d[29], d[30], d[31] }; // REV
    // precalculate interim rev/sar/rc/rcr/shl/shr/rol/ror results
    wire [7:0][30:0] ri = { 31'b0,    // rev
          {31{d[31]}},  // sar
          {31{ci}},   // rcl
          {31{ci}},   // rcr
          31'b0,    // shl
          31'b0,    // shr
          dr[30:0],   // rol
          d[30:0] };   // ror
    wire [62:0] rot  = {ri[i[2:0]], i[0] ? dr : d} >> s[4:0];
    wire [31:0] rotr = { rot[0],  rot[1],  rot[2],  rot[3],  rot[4],  rot[5],  rot[6],  rot[7],
          rot[8],  rot[9],  rot[10], rot[11], rot[12], rot[13], rot[14], rot[15],
          rot[16], rot[17], rot[18], rot[19], rot[20], rot[21], rot[22], rot[23],
          rot[24], rot[25], rot[26], rot[27], rot[28], rot[29], rot[30], rot[31] };
    wire [31:0] rot_r = ~&i[2:1] && i[0] ? rotr : rot[31:0];  // result if rotate type instruction
    wire rot_c   = ~&i[2:1] && i[0] ? dr[0] : d[0];   // C result if rotate type instruction
    // logic instructions 01nnnn - mins/maxs/min/max/movs/movd/movi/jmpret/and/andn/or/xor/muxc/muxnc/muxz/muxnz  
    wire [1:0] log_s = i[2] ? {(i[1] ? zi : ci) ^ i[0], 1'b0} // muxc/muxnc/muxz/muxnz
             : {i[1], ~^i[1:0]};     // and/andn/or/xor
    wire [3:0][31:0] log_x = { d ^  s,        // 11 = xor
           d |  s,        // 10 = or  mux 1
           d &  s,        // 01 = and
           d & ~s };       // 00 = andn mux 0
    wire [3:0][31:0] mov_x = { d[31:9], p,       // jmpret
           s[8:0], d[22:0],     // movi
           d[31:18], s[8:0], d[8:0],   // movd
           d[31:9], s[8:0] };     // movs
    wire [31:0] log_r = i[3] ? log_x[log_s]      // and/andn/or/xor/muxc/muxnc/muxz/muxnz
         : i[2] ? mov_x[i[1:0]]      // movs/movd/movi/jmpret
             : s;         // mins/maxs/min/max
    wire log_c   = ^log_r;         // c is parity of result
    // add/sub instructions  1nnnnn
    wire [3:0] ads  = {zi, ci, s[31], 1'b0};
    wire add_sub  = i[5:4] == 2'b10 ? ads[i[2:1]] ^ i[0] // 10nnnn add/sub/addabs/subabs/sumc/sumnc/sumz/sumnz/mov/neg/abs/absneg/negc/negnc/negz/negnz
         : i[5:0] == 6'b110010 ||     // 110010 addx
           i[5:0] == 6'b110100 ||     // 110100 adds
           i[5:0] == 6'b110110 ||     // 110110 addsx
           i[5:2] == 4'b1111       // 1111nn waitcnt  
              ? 1'b0     // 0 if above instructions
              : 1'b1;     // 1 if other subs
    wire add_ci   = i[5:3] == 3'b110 && (i[2:0] == 3'b001 || i[1]) && ci ||  // cmpsx/addx/subx/addsx/subsx
           i[4:3] == 2'b11 && i[1:0] == 2'b01;       // djnz
    wire [31:0] add_d = i[4:3] == 2'b01 ? 32'b0 : d;    // x01xxx mov/neg/abs/absneg/negc/negnc/negz/negnz
    wire [31:0] add_s = i[4:0] == 5'b11001 || i[4:1] == 4'b1101 ? 32'hFFFFFFFF  // djnz/tjnz/tjz (x11001 or x1101n)
         : add_sub         ? ~s    // subs
                    : s;    // adds
    wire [34:0] add_x = {1'b0, add_d[31], 1'b1, add_d[30:0], 1'b1} +
           {1'b0, add_s[31], 1'b0, add_s[30:0], add_ci ^ add_sub};  // interim result
    wire [31:0] add_r = {add_x[33], add_x[31:1]};          // final result
    wire add_co   = add_x[34];             // interim C results
    wire add_cm   = !add_x[32];             // interim C results
    wire add_cs   = add_co ^ add_d[31] ^ add_s[31];        // interim C results
                      // calculate final C out
    wire add_c   = i[5:0] == 6'b111000  ? add_co    // cmpsub
         : i[5:3] == 3'b101   ? s[31]     // source msb
         : i[5] && i[3:2] == 2'b01 ? add_co ^ add_cm  // overflow
         : i[4:1] == 4'b1000   ? add_cs    // signed
                : add_co ^ add_sub;  // unsigned
    // write-cancel instructions
    // Calculate if Write Result will occur
    assign wr   = i[5:2] == 4'b0100  ? i[0] ^ (i[1] ? !add_co : add_cs)  // mins/maxs/min/max
         : i[5:0] == 6'b111000 ? add_co        // cmpsub
               : 1'b1;         // others
    // r, c, z results
    // Calculate Final Result 
    assign r   = i[5]     ? add_r
         : i[4]     ? log_r
         : i[3]     ? rot_r
         : run || ~&p[8:4]  ? bus_q
               : 32'b0; // write 0's to last 16 registers during load;
    // Calculate Final C flag output
    assign co   = i[5:3] == 3'b000  ? bus_c
         : i[5:3] == 3'b001  ? rot_c
         : i[5:3] == 3'b011  ? log_c
               : add_c;
    // Calculate Final Z flag output           
    assign zo   = ~|r && (zi || !(i[5:3] == 3'b110 && (i[2:0] == 3'b001 || i[1])));  // addx/subx/cmpx/addsx/subsx/cmpsx logically AND the old z
  • markmark Posts: 253
    edited 2014-08-23 19:29
    Thanks Bob. I had skipped over that thread. That info is helpful.

    This is great stuff! Very helpful. Thanks for sharing!
  • thoththoth Posts: 75
    edited 2014-08-23 21:49
    I open up a Register Transfer Level view (RTL). That shows a block diagram of the circuit. Right clicking on most objects displays a menu in which I can locate the object in the source verilog file. Double clicking on a module will open it up. The back arrow at the upper left allows moving back up the hierarchy. It's easy to duplicate tabs and keep a bunch of views open at different levels.

    I think it would be fabulous if Chip would take half an hour and create a glossary for those two letter identifiers he loves so much - shades of Basic! I like the terseness from a visual POV but it's an effort to figure out his naming conventions.
  • rjo__rjo__ Posts: 2,114
    edited 2014-08-24 07:33
    Very nice.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2014-09-02 19:22
    Here is a timing diagram...

    Warning: There is an error in the states for the timing diagram. Please see the next post.
    P8X32A FPGA - How it works
    This is my current understanding. No responsibility taken for errors, omissions, or misunderstanding.
    RR20140903 by Cluso99 (Ray)
    When running, the cog can be in 5 states, represented by m[4:0]
     states:  m[0] = S
              m[1] = D
              m[2] = I
              m[4] = *wait (if wait state needs to be inserted due to a WAITxxx instruction (or wait for hub slot???)
              m[3] = R
    These states relate to the 6 clocks of an instruction.
    Due to overlapping instructions, each instruction effectively uses 4 clocks.
          I d S D e R                                             <---- previous instruction
              I d S D e R                                         <---- current instruction
                      I d S D e R                                 <---- next instruction
     where    I = fetch  Instruction               and    executes previous instruction
              d = decode instruction               and    write Result of previous instruction
              S = fetch  Source (unless immediate)
              D = fetch  Destination
              e = execute instruction              and    fetch next instruction
              R = write  Result                    and    decode next instruction
    Timing Diagram:
      &#9474; &#9516;    &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;  m[1]: Latch D
      &#9474; &#9474;      &#9474;      Executing instruction
      e I    &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;      ...
      &#9474; &#9474;    &#9474;        Reading I (next instruction)
      &#9474; &#9474;    &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;  m[2]: Latch I
      &#9474; &#9474;      &#9474;      Writing R (result)
      R d    &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;      ...
      &#9474; &#9474;    &#9474;        Decoding (next instruction)
      &#9474; &#9474;    &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;  m[4]: WAIT  (optional wait states inserted here)
      &#9474; &#9474;      &#9474;      Wait for condition
      &#9474; w    &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;      ...
      &#9474; &#9474;    &#9474;        ...
      &#9524; &#9474;    &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;  m[3]: Latch R (write result to Cog RAM)
        &#9474;      &#9474;      Reading S
        S    &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;      ...
        &#9474;    &#9474;        ...
        &#9474;    &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;  m[0]: Latch S
        &#9474;      &#9474;      Reading D   
        D    &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;      ...
        &#9474;    &#9474;        ...
        &#9474; &#9516;  &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;  m[1]: Latch D
        &#9474; &#9474;    &#9474;      Executing instruction
        e I  &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;      ...
        &#9474; &#9474;  &#9474;        Reading I (next instruction)
        &#9474; &#9474;  &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;  m[2]: Latch I
        &#9474; &#9474;    &#9474;      Writing R (result)               
        R d  &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;      ...                              
        &#9474; &#9474;  &#9474;        Decoding (next instruction)      
        &#9524; &#9474;  &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;  m[3]: Latch R (write result to Cog RAM)  
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2014-09-06 04:18
    This is also incorrect. see next post...

    Just realised that my timing diagram above was incorrect.

    I am hoping that I have the m[4] state correct..... where the cog waits for an access slot to the hub.
    Postedit: I suspect that the wait state(s), if present, come between m[2] and m[3]. Still checking.
    Timing Diagram:
      &#9532; &#9516;    &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;---------------------------------------------------- 
      &#9474; &#9474;      &#9474;  m[2]:  Reading I (next instruction)                
      e I    &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;         Executing instruction                       
      &#9474; &#9474;    &#9474;           Latch I                                     
      &#9532; &#9532;    &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;---------------------------------------------------- 
      &#9474; &#9474;      &#9474;  m[3]:  Writing R (result)                          
      R d    &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;         Decoding (next instruction)                 
      &#9474; &#9474;    &#9474;           Latch R (write result to Cog RAM)           
      &#9524; &#9532;    &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;==================================================== 
        &#9474;      &#9474;  m[4]:  Reading/Writing if Hub Access ???           
       (w)   &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;(option) WAIT for Condition (optional wait states)   
        &#9474;    &#9474;           Latch Hub/Cog (read/write if hub access)???                                
        &#9532;    &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;====================================================  
        &#9474;      &#9474;  m[0]:  Reading S 
        S    &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;                                   
        &#9474;    &#9474;           Latch S                                 
        &#9532;    &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;----------------------------------------------------                                 
        &#9474;      &#9474;  m[1]:  Reading D                          
        D    &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;                                 
        &#9474;    &#9474;           Latch D                                 
        &#9532; &#9516;  &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;----------------------------------------------------                                 
        &#9474; &#9474;    &#9474;  m[2]:  Reading I (next instruction)                          
        e I  &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;         Executing instruction               
        &#9474; &#9474;  &#9474;           Latch I                                 
        &#9532; &#9532;  &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;----------------------------------------------------              
        &#9474; &#9474;    &#9474;  m[3]:  Writing R (result)                                       
        R d  &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;         Decoding (next instruction)               
        &#9474; &#9474;  &#9474;           Latch R (write result to Cog RAM)                                 
        &#9524; &#9532;  &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;====================================================
          &#9474;    &#9474;  m[4]:  Reading/Writing if Hub Access ??? 
         (w) &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;(option) WAIT for Condition (optional wait states)                             
          &#9474;  &#9474;           Latch Hub/Cog (read/write if hub access)???           
          &#9532;  &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;====================================================
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2014-09-06 16:25
    Updated: m[4] wait state is between m[2] and m[3]...
    P8X32A FPGA - How it works
    This is my current understanding. No responsibility taken for errors, omissions, or misunderstanding.
    RR20140903 by Cluso99 (Ray)
    RR20140907 fixup by Cluso99
    When running, the cog can be in 5 states, represented by m[4:0]
     states:  m[0] = S
              m[1] = D
              m[2] = I
              m[3] = R
              m[4] = *wait / hub slot (if wait state needs to be inserted due to a WAITxxx instruction or wait for hub slot)
    These states relate to the 6 clocks of an instruction.
    Due to overlapping instructions, each instruction effectively uses 4 clocks.
      I d S D e R                      <---- previous instruction
              I d S D e R              <---- current instruction
                      I d S D e R      <---- next instruction
     where    I = fetch  Instruction               and    executes previous instruction
              d = decode instruction               and    write Result of previous instruction
              S = fetch  Source (unless immediate)
              D = fetch  Destination
              e = execute instruction              and    fetch next instruction
              R = write  Result                    and    decode next instruction
    Timing Diagram:
     &#9532;  &#9516;     &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;-------&#9531;--------------------------------------------                                 
     &#9474;  &#9474;       &#9474;  m[2]:  Reading I (next instruction)                          
     e  I     &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;         Executing instruction               
     &#9474;  &#9474;     &#9474;         &#9484;&#9472;Latch I                                 
     &#9532;  &#9532;     &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;=======&#9531;============================================
     &#9474;  &#9474;       &#9474;  m[4]:  Reading/Writing if Hub Access ??? 
    (w)(w)    &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;(option) WAIT for Condition (optional wait states)                             
     &#9474;  &#9474;     &#9474;         &#9484;&#9472;Latch Hub/Cog (read/write if hub access)???           
     &#9532;  &#9532;     &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;=======&#9531;============================================
     &#9474;  &#9474;       &#9474;  m[3]:  Writing R (result)                                       
     R  d     &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;         Decoding (next instruction)               
     &#9474;  &#9474;     &#9474;         &#9484;&#9472;Latch R (write result to Cog RAM)                                 
     &#9524;  &#9532;     &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;-------&#9531;--------------------------------------------              
        &#9474;       &#9474;  m[0]:  Reading S 
        S     &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;                                   
        &#9474;     &#9474;         &#9484;&#9472;Latch S                                 
        &#9532;     &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;-------&#9531;--------------------------------------------                                 
        &#9474;       &#9474;  m[1]:  Reading D                          
        D     &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;                                 
        &#9474;     &#9474;         &#9484;&#9472;Latch D                                 
        &#9532;  &#9516;  &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;-------&#9531;--------------------------------------------                                 
        &#9474;  &#9474;    &#9474;  m[2]:  Reading I (next instruction)                          
        e  I  &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;         Executing instruction               
        &#9474;  &#9474;  &#9474;         &#9484;&#9472;Latch I                                 
        &#9532;  &#9532;  &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;=======&#9531;============================================
        &#9474;  &#9474;    &#9474;  m[4]:  Reading/Writing if Hub Access ??? 
       (w)(w) &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;(option) WAIT for Condition (optional wait states)                             
        &#9474;  &#9474;  &#9474;         &#9484;&#9472;Latch Hub/Cog (read/write if hub access)???           
        &#9532;  &#9532;  &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;=======&#9531;============================================
        &#9474;  &#9474;    &#9474;  m[3]:  Writing R (result)                                       
        R  d  &#9484;&#9472;&#9496;         Decoding (next instruction)               
        &#9474;  &#9474;  &#9474;         &#9484;&#9472;Latch R (write result to Cog RAM)                                 
        &#9524;  &#9532;  &#9492;&#61627;&#9488;-------&#9531;--------------------------------------------              
  • markmark Posts: 253
    edited 2014-09-09 23:41
    Thanks for the updates, Cluso.
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