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KNEX Motor Sensor for Basic Stamp Homework Board Microcontroller — Parallax Forums

KNEX Motor Sensor for Basic Stamp Homework Board Microcontroller

KylePKingKylePKing Posts: 44
edited 2014-08-14 14:40 in BASIC Stamp
I am running a microcontroller to turn a KNEX AC motor (12 V, 500 mA) On and OFF via two sets of IR sensors from Radioshack.

This powers a KNEX roller coaster train. With multiple cars, this stops the motor after exiting lift hill until another point on the track before train passing another sensor IR beam zone and initiating POWER ON for the motor. This creates "Buffer Zone" for no collision of multiple trains on one track.

The code is PBASIC.

The microcontroller works very well.

Currently, the default is POWER OFF for the motor when unplugged and plugged back into the AC outlet on the wall. Then, the starting sensors (MOTOR ON) are passed by a roller coaster vehicle to initiate the motor.

However, I want the default POWER ON for the motor when unplugged and plugged back into the AC outlet on the wall.

This way, if the train is on the lift hill, the train will have POWER ON automatically with no Sensor Beam interruption necessary. As the train exits lift hill, it hits Sensors OFF IR Beam. Later along course of track, it hits Sensors ON IR Beam. Train behind it now has ability to climb lift hill via Motor.

Please help. Does the PBASIC code need to change? What needs to change?

Attached are photos, schematics, and breadboard terminal numbers/labels for wiring connections.

Thank you.

Here is the PBASIC Code:

Programmed in PBasic

sensor1 VAR IN0
sensor2 VAR IN15
motor CON 8


LOW motor
IF sensor1 = 1 THEN start
GOTO loop

HIGH motor
IF sensor2 = 1 THEN loop
GOTO start


Here are the Breadboard Terminals


VSS 4, P9 Black Wire High #

Adaptor Plug:

VSS 4, P8 Black Wire Low #

Start Sensors (Motor On):

Clear Detector: VDD 2 Positive Wire, P4
Negative Wire, P5

Blue Emitter: VSS2 Positive Wire, P3
Negative Wire, P4

Ending Sensors (Motor Off):

Clear Detector: VDD 5 Positive Wire, P15
Negative Wire, X4

Blue Emitter: VSS2 Positive Wire, P15
Negative Wire, X4


Positive Wire is Red.

Negative Wire is Black.
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  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2014-08-07 14:55
    Can you elaborate on one thing please? You have two sensors, but you're only checking the state of one sensor in each loop. The other is being ignored until the motor state changes. You said you want the motor to be able to power when the train is on the hill, but what is the state of the two sensors at that point?
  • KylePKingKylePKing Posts: 44
    edited 2014-08-07 17:52
    On the lift hill, the Power is ON only if the train ahead of it has cleared a certain "buffer zone". If you turn all the power from AC outlet off, and the train ahead has already gone past the point of the sensors. Then the train behind gets stuck with No Power on the lift hill. So, to solve the problem, I just need to have the Motor in ON position has default, regardless of the two sensor pairs, when the power from AC outlet for the Motor is plugged in or not.

    Basically, when no power from AC outlet. I then plug in the AC outlet for the motor, then the lift hill works, regardless of sensors and train positions. AFterward, the train in the lead goes along course, exits lift hill, then interrupts the IR sensors (emitter and detector from radioshack). Once the train travels a certain distance, train interrupts another IR sensors (emitter and detector from radioshack) and the Motor initiates again.

    If AC cord is pulled out and a train is stopped on lift hill and hits no sensors, the train stalls on the lift hill. There is NO Default POWER. I want to change that.

    I want the train on the lift hill. Pull AC cord out of wall. Put AC cord into wall. And, the train goes up the lift hill because the PBasic program has Default POWER ON for the motor.

    When the train is on the lift hill, it all depends on the other train. If the lead train makes it to the point of the other sensor, the lift hill initiates. However, if AC wall outlet is disengaged after train hits second sensor zone, there is a lift hill stall for the previous motor. When AC outlet is engaged, the second sensor zone (down the track) initiates POWER ON. When AC outlet is engaged, the first sensor zone (immediately after lift hill) initiates POWER OFF.

    With PBASIC how can I check the state of both sensors in each loop?

    Can you forward me written code?

    Thank you for your help.

    Please respond back. Thank you.
  • KylePKingKylePKing Posts: 44
    edited 2014-08-07 18:01
    If 1st train has passed second sensor, then turn AC outlet off, then turn AC outlet on, 2nd train stalls on lift hill.

    If 1st train has passed first sensor, then turn AC outlet off, then turn AC outlet on, 2nd train will go up lift hill only after 1st train hits second sensor.

    If 1st train has not passed first sensor (immediately after lift hill), then turn AC outlet off, then turn AC outlet on, 1st train is stuck on lift hill with no power. 2nd train can come and collide with 1st train.

    I want to change this to POWER ON for Infinite time, UNLESS, first sensor (immediately after lift hill) is interrupted by a train. This turns lift hill off. Once train negotiates track, it hits second sensor, and subsequently turns motor back on for train number 2.

    I hope this helps.
  • KylePKingKylePKing Posts: 44
    edited 2014-08-07 18:04
    You said you want the motor to be able to power when the train is on the hill, but what is the state of the two sensors at that point?

    First sensor (immediately after lift hill) is off, low #.

    Second sensor (down the track after a little while) is on, high #.
  • Hal AlbachHal Albach Posts: 747
    edited 2014-08-07 19:17
    Try changing the order of your subroutines, that is, have the start: execute first.
    ‘{$STAMP BS2}
    sensor1 VAR IN0
    sensor2 VAR IN15
    motor CON 8
    INPUT 0
    INPUT 15
    OUTPUT 8
    HIGH motor
    IF sensor2 = 1 THEN loop
    GOTO start
    LOW motor
    IF sensor1 = 1 THEN start
    GOTO loop
    This way the lift motor will run until a train hits detector #2, which I guess is on the down slope side of the lift hill. This will only work if the Stamp board power is removed when the plug is pulled, and forces the program to restart when the power is restored.
  • KylePKingKylePKing Posts: 44
    edited 2014-08-07 21:32
    I plan on buying another Basic Stamp Homework Board and hooking up the circuit a second time.

    Where can I download or buy PBasic program for my computer?

    Where can I buy the USB plug for the board?

    I will switch the PBasic coding for the sensors as stated above and try this.
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2014-08-08 09:18

    I was going to suggest that as well, but that's why I asked about the state of the sensors. Because if he switches the routines and sensor 2 is high, it's going to turn the motor right off. Because the state of that sensor depending on another train, there's no easy way to do what he wants without making considerations for it.
  • Hal AlbachHal Albach Posts: 747
    edited 2014-08-08 10:13
    Hi, Chris!

    I made the assumption that the sensor 2 is probably somewhere along the downslope of the lift hill so that if or when he pulls the plug while pulling a train up sensor 2 will be clear. The other train will be well clear of sensor 2 since it had to pass sensor 1 to start the motor and is somewhere between sensor 1 and the base of the lift hill.
    The OP's original concern, if I understand it correctly, was that if he pulled the plug while a train was being pulled up, there was no way for the lift hill to resume the lift since by that time the other train has passed sensor 1, which normally starts the motor. I just hope that the power to the Homework Board is also cut when the plug is pulled, else it will wait forever in loop: when power is restored.

  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2014-08-08 10:56

    I understand what you mean, but if the logic is correct for the sensor within that loop then it should still work. I also assumed (perhaps incorrectly) that the sensor in that loop kept the motor on until the train cleared the peak. However, if the code falls into the wrong loop ignoring the other sensor then it will not take any action based on that. This is where the code should account, perhaps, for the state of both sensors within each loop. I think a diagram of the track showing the paths and positions of the two sensors would help immensely. ;)
  • KylePKingKylePKing Posts: 44
    edited 2014-08-08 11:21
    Hal Albach wrote: »
    Hi, Chris!

    I made the assumption that the sensor 2 is probably somewhere along the downslope of the lift hill so that if or when he pulls the plug while pulling a train up sensor 2 will be clear. The other train will be well clear of sensor 2 since it had to pass sensor 1 to start the motor and is somewhere between sensor 1 and the base of the lift hill.
    The OP's original concern, if I understand it correctly, was that if he pulled the plug while a train was being pulled up, there was no way for the lift hill to resume the lift since by that time the other train has passed sensor 1, which normally starts the motor. I just hope that the power to the Homework Board is also cut when the plug is pulled, else it will wait forever in loop: when power is restored.


    Yes. the power to the Homework Board is cut off when the plug to the motor is pulled out. When the motor plug is on, the Homework Board is on, and vice versa.
  • KylePKingKylePKing Posts: 44
    edited 2014-08-08 11:38
    Here are some more photos.

    Here is a sketch.

    Lift Hill - -
    Sensor 2 (turns motor on)
    Sensor 1 (turns motor off)



    I would like Sensor 2 to be On automatically when the Homework Board and the Lift Hill Motor are initially On (Plugged into AC Outlet-Then Unplugged into AC Outlet-Then Plugged back into AC Outlet).
    In essence, the only way for the lift hill motor to be OFF, is for train 1 or train 2 to hit Sensor 1. That is what I want the microcontroller to do.
    Or, when the power cord is unplugged, of course.
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  • Hal AlbachHal Albach Posts: 747
    edited 2014-08-08 12:16
    OK Kyle, now you have me confused! Is the sensor at the bottom (downslope) of the lift hill sensor 1 or sensor 2? And the sensor marking the buffer zone? Does "HIGH motor" turn the motor on or off?

    The way I envisioned the sequence of operations was:
    1. First train gets dragged up the hill, goes over the top and plummets down and passes SENSOR 2 which TURNS THE LIFT MOTOR OFF.
    2. Second train waits patiently by the lift hill waiting for motor to turn on. ( or may be partially up the hill)
    3. First train proceeds at breakneck speed around the track, and exits the "buffer zone" and passes sensor 1 WHICH TURNS THE MOTOR ON.
    4. Second train is mercilessly dragged to the top of the hill and it too crests the hill and plummets down and passes sensor 2, STOPPING THE MOTOR.
    5. First train now approaches the bottom of the lift hill and by the power of some mysterious dark force slows and stops on the lift hill and waits for motor to start
    6. Second train careens wildly around the track and finally passes Sensor 1, starting the lift motor. Go to step 1.

    Is this the way it's supposed to work?
  • GenetixGenetix Posts: 1,754
    edited 2014-08-08 13:22
    Wow, a Revision C HomeWork Board (Serial).

    Chris, didn't those have 50 mA regulators on them?
  • KylePKingKylePKing Posts: 44
    edited 2014-08-08 13:35
    Hal Albach wrote: »
    OK Kyle, now you have me confused! Is the sensor at the bottom (downslope) of the lift hill sensor 1 or sensor 2? And the sensor marking the buffer zone? Does "HIGH motor" turn the motor on or off?

    The way I envisioned the sequence of operations was:
    1. First train gets dragged up the hill, goes over the top and plummets down and passes SENSOR 2 which TURNS THE LIFT MOTOR OFF.
    2. Second train waits patiently by the lift hill waiting for motor to turn on. ( or may be partially up the hill)
    3. First train proceeds at breakneck speed around the track, and exits the "buffer zone" and passes sensor 1 WHICH TURNS THE MOTOR ON.
    4. Second train is mercilessly dragged to the top of the hill and it too crests the hill and plummets down and passes sensor 2, STOPPING THE MOTOR.
    5. First train now approaches the bottom of the lift hill and by the power of some mysterious dark force slows and stops on the lift hill and waits for motor to start
    6. Second train careens wildly around the track and finally passes Sensor 1, starting the lift motor. Go to step 1.

    Is this the way it's supposed to work?

  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2014-08-08 13:39
    Genetix, the board shown has the higher current regulator. It was older boards that had the tiny one.
  • KylePKingKylePKing Posts: 44
    edited 2014-08-08 13:40
    KylePKing wrote: »

    HIGH turns motor ON
  • KylePKingKylePKing Posts: 44
    edited 2014-08-08 13:43

    Sensor 1 stops motor.

    Sensor 2 starts motor.

    According to the PDF picture.
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2014-08-08 13:44
    At the risk of sounding old-school, you know what would really help, even over a diagram of the track and sensors? A truth table that shows the states of the sensors and the status of the motors for all states. With that most of us could write a new program in just a few minutes.
    = SENSOR 1 = SENSOR 2 = MOTOR =
    =    0     =    0     =   ?   =
    =    1     =    0     =   ?   =
    =    0     =    1     =   ?   =
    =    1     =    1     =   ?   =

    Just just replace the question marks with what the motor status (ON/OFF) should be in relation to these sensor conditions and a single loop program could be written in a just a few lines to handle this.
  • KylePKingKylePKing Posts: 44
    edited 2014-08-08 13:51
    At the risk of sounding old-school, you know what would really help, even over a diagram of the track and sensors? A truth table that shows the states of the sensors and the status of the motors for all states. With that most of us could write a new program in just a few minutes.
    = SENSOR 1 = SENSOR 2 = MOTOR =
    =    0     =    0     =   ?   =
    =    1     =    0     =   ?   =
    =    0     =    1     =   ?   =
    =    1     =    1     =   ?   =

    Just just replace the question marks with what the motor status (ON/OFF) should be in relation to these sensor conditions and a single loop program could be written in a just a few lines to handle this.

    SENSOR 1 (Stops Motor). This is directly after lift hill.

    SENSOR 2 (Starts Motor). This is further along the track. Much further down the track after the lift hill.

  • KylePKingKylePKing Posts: 44
    edited 2014-08-08 13:53
    Also, could you help me write a code for:

    Red LED ON when motor on?


    Red LED OFF when motor off?

    Thank you.
  • KylePKingKylePKing Posts: 44
    edited 2014-08-08 14:19
    At the risk of sounding old-school, you know what would really help, even over a diagram of the track and sensors? A truth table that shows the states of the sensors and the status of the motors for all states. With that most of us could write a new program in just a few minutes.
    = SENSOR 1 = SENSOR 2 = MOTOR =
    =    0     =    0     =   ?   =
    =    1     =    0     =   ?   =
    =    0     =    1     =   ?   =
    =    1     =    1     =   ?   =

    Just just replace the question marks with what the motor status (ON/OFF) should be in relation to these sensor conditions and a single loop program could be written in a just a few lines to handle this.


  • KylePKingKylePKing Posts: 44
    edited 2014-08-08 14:21
    Note that if Sensor 1 has 1 (ON) and Sensor 2 has 1 (ON) simultaneously,


    Motor operates at half speed.
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2014-08-08 14:28
    What do you mean operates at half speed? You have a simple HIGH/LOW to turn the motor on/off. There is no speed control in that scheme.
  • KylePKingKylePKing Posts: 44
    edited 2014-08-08 14:41
    My mistake.

    If both sensors are disrupted, the motor continues to operate, but much slower.

    I agree with you.

    There is just a digital on (1) or off (0)
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2014-08-08 14:51
    An on/off would not result in a change in the motor speed though. Never mind, I see what is happening. In your original code the program is jumping between both routines so fat that the motor is being turned on/off at high speed.
  • Chris SavageChris Savage Parallax Engineering Posts: 14,406
    edited 2014-08-08 15:03
    Okay, based on your truth table here is the code that should work for your application, including adding an LED to P12 via a 220-470 ohm resistor. It will come on when the motor is on and go off when the motor is off. If your condition was based on a single value I would have used a SELECT...CASE statement. The following code isn't the most efficient, but it is structured to help you understand the correlation between my truth table and the logic needed to realize that via code. I hope this helps.
    ' {$STAMP BS2}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}
    sensor1   PIN   0
    sensor2   PIN   15
    motor     PIN   8
    led       pin   12
    INPUT sensor1
    INPUT sensor2
    OUTPUT motor
    OUTPUT led
      IF sensor1 = 0 AND sensor2 = 0 THEN
        LOW motor
        LOW led
      ELSEIF sensor1 = 1 AND sensor2 = 0 THEN
        LOW motor
        LOW led
      ELSEIF sensor1 = 0 AND sensor2 = 1 THEN
        HIGH motor
        HIGH led
      ELSEIF sensor1 = 1 AND sensor2 = 1 THEN
        HIGH motor
        HIGH led
  • Hal AlbachHal Albach Posts: 747
    edited 2014-08-08 15:05
    KylePKing wrote: »

    Sensor 1 stops motor.

    Sensor 2 starts motor.

    According to the PDF picture.

    That is not what I see in your program.
    LOW motor
    IF sensor1 = 1 THEN start
    GOTO loop
    HIGH motor
    IF sensor2 = 1 THEN loop
    GOTO start

    This is your original program. You have given us a picture of the track layout indicating that SENSOR 1 is on the lift hill downslope and SENSOR 2 is the buffer zone marker, opposite from what I conjectured earlier. Per the above quote from your recent post you state that Sensor 1 stops the motor and Sensor 2 starts the motor. But your program clearly states that when Sensor 1 = 1 then the motor is started, and when Sensor 2 = 1 then the motor is stopped.

    Given the information you provided this is how I see things running:

    1. Somehow the first train is caused to go down the lift hill downslope towards Sensor 1, upon passing the sensor the motor is turned on.
    2. Train 2 is pulled up and hopefully makes the crest before train 1 hits sensor 2 and turns off the motor.
    3. Train 1 passes Sensor 2 and turns off the motor and proceeds on to the bottom of the lift hill
    4. Train 2 passes Sensor 1 and the motor turns on and Train 1 is lifted up the hill.

    Is this what you intended?
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