Toddler Experiment
Carol Hazlett
Posts: 312
One of my favorite robots is the Toddler. Because I design robots for Minds-i, I had to try and make one from the Minds-i parts. It walks nice and straight and is pretty cute! I am still trying to get it to turn and walk backward with any grace. I should take a video of it walking with my Toddler. Thanks for the design Parallax, too bad I can't do anything with it as it is your design but it was fun to do!
One of my favorite robots is the Toddler. Because I design robots for Minds-i, I had to try and make one from the Minds-i parts. It walks nice and straight and is pretty cute! I am still trying to get it to turn and walk backward with any grace. I should take a video of it walking with my Toddler. Thanks for the design Parallax, too bad I can't do anything with it as it is your design but it was fun to do!
My Toddler is right now stored away as parts. It was getting a bit old and tarnished, so I disassembled it and gave it a coat of paint. But I've yet to get back to it. I really want to upgrade it to the Propeller ProtoBoard and Forth on the Propeller. The BasicStamp did work, but there was very little capacity to do substantial add-ons.
Have you ever seen a Parallax Penguin?
Also, see if you can get your adaptation up on one leg when it walks - should have a smoother gait. Its a nice robot and impressive to see the concept in use.
Ken Gracey
What I would like to do is see if my editor, Tom Atwood at Robot Magazine will let me do an article about it and I will use both my Toddler and this robot as a sort of past and present type of story. Since I have Twinkle Toes on my Toddler I'll have to do something similar on this one. This will be fun! As for lifting the leg a little more I am trying to get the fine line between standing on one leg and falling over. My design is not quite as stable as the Toddler is.
One geometric difference I see is that you have a sizeable gap between your robot's feet. The original Toddler (and Penguin) had almost no gap, the feet nearly scraped against each other. I think that may help shift the weight faster, lean more, and lift the raised foot off the ground more.
Keep up your excellent work, I want to see your Minds-i Toddler doing a Figure 8!
I 2nd that.
my skills at using my Minds-I parts. I am doing a little rework to add some of the suggestions
I've gotten from the forum.
Blue Bell's Home Center Walker -
Doggiedoc, no it is not Lego parts it is a company called Minds-I at Their parts are much bigger and stronger than Legos and have a locking mechanism that holds them together. They are for making larger robots that can be used outdoors. You can see some of my creations on my You Tube channel.
I use "just enough" processor to do the job. In two of my recent small bots for SERVO magazine, I used a PicAxe (don't hate me, you asked!) which programs in BASIC.
And I just got my Penguin around an 8 last night:
Carol, you're on deck to do a Figure 8 with your Minds-I Toddler. Go Girl!
Right after seeing the video I went and got a haircut and trashed that horrible dress!
And everything is free.