PIC Programming using BASIC Stamp
Does anyone know/point me to resources to program a PIC using a BASIC stamp 2 on the BOE? I have a few PIC's lying around but I can't buy a programmer right now so my only option is to program it using the BASIC stamp.
Along the same lines, if anyone knows how to program MSP430's using the stamp, that'd be great.
Does anyone know/point me to resources to program a PIC using a BASIC stamp 2 on the BOE? I have a few PIC's lying around but I can't buy a programmer right now so my only option is to program it using the BASIC stamp.
Along the same lines, if anyone knows how to program MSP430's using the stamp, that'd be great.
Many of the older Pics require a programmer that can supply the proper higher voltage to the Vpp pin, somewhere around 14 Volts, I believe. At any rate, go to the Microchip website, look around the Forum and other document areas, get the info you need from the chip maker.
Rephrasing my question: is it even possible to program a PIC (specifically, I have a PIC16F84A) using a BASIC stamp on the BOE?
IMPORTANT: You need a real serial port on your computer (not a USB/serial adapter) with this kit. Older XP computer a plus.
Edit: $13 shipped: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Velleman-MicroController-Programmer-Experiment-Board-K8048RS-FREE-N-FAST-SHIP-/251467202664?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a8c9d0068
Old school parallel port programmer $9 shipped: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Parallel-Port-PIC-Programmer-Board-Kit-KIT-96-/380938162315?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item58b1af108b
MSP430 USB programmer is $7.48 shipped: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Advanced-MSP430-BSL-USB-programmer-download-Adapter-USB-Port-/200931707417?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ec8768a19
What else do you need? AVR programmer for $4.58 shipped? http://www.ebay.com/itm/USBASP-USBISP-AVR-Programmer-Adapter-10-Pin-Cable-USB-ATMEGA8-ATMEGA128-Arduino-/310506909410?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item484ba76ee2
AVR development board for $7.52 shipped? http://www.ebay.com/itm/C51-AVR-MCU-development-board-DIY-learning-board-kit-Parts-and-components-/310574419959?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item484fad8ff7
You also need to make a circuit that can switch 12V from a BS2 pin.
It's all possible and I have done it 20 years ago (not for the BS1/2 but for another PIC Board), but today I never would do it again with all those cheap PICKIT clones and the thousands of different PICs....
It has two VERY IMPORTANT problems:
1. It does not support modern, LVP chips (say 12F1840 or similar)
2. Chip definitions for a lot chips are improper - i.e. it detects 16F690 as DIP-14 device, so you can't program actual chip.