Local Bros Make Good
Posts: 1,129
Here is a pointer to an article in today's Sacarmento Bee:
Protoboards are $20 each. Then there's the mini($25) which can be mounted directly onto a solderless breadboard.
What does a BS2 retail at?
People might compare to other micro-controllers like the STM32F101V8T6 which is about about a third of the price from my local electronics distributor. With 10K RAM, 64K FLASH, 36MHz CPU, 80 I/O pins, sixteen channels of 12 bit A2D and all the usual UART, PWM, I2C, SPI stuff.
Of course such simple comparisons miss what the Propeller is all about and what you select will depend on your actual task. Horses for courses and all that.
Parallax boards are also expensive when you compare to amazing cheap things like the STM32F4 Discovery for example.
But now that we can get Quickstart boards for $7.97USD at Radio Shack , that's cheaper than the chip, (QTY 1).
I have been stocking up on the cheap boards. Do you want me to post a couple to you?
I actually have a few DIP Propeller's, my favourite kind, here. One of which I'm busy welding to a proto board as we speak. Then there is my Gadget Gangster board and Cluso's TriBlade and RamBlades. My PropASC got loaned out.
Then I have a vast array of other toys, Esruinos, STM32F4 Discovery, Parallela, Raspberry Pi, IGEP...
Oh and the FPGA board waiting for the P2 image to play with!
Perhaps someone else has more time and would appreciate your offer.