Happy 45th Anniversary, Moon Landing
Posts: 20,257
Lest you forgot... http://www.gearthblog.com/blog/archives/2014/07/45th-anniversary-apollo-11-mission.html
I was about to start 5th grade and remember it well. Where were you?
I might have to download Eagle Lander 3D if it runs on Win 8. IIRC, there is a Win7 patch.
Edit: Here's a web-based lunar lander.
I was about to start 5th grade and remember it well. Where were you?
I might have to download Eagle Lander 3D if it runs on Win 8. IIRC, there is a Win7 patch.
Edit: Here's a web-based lunar lander.
Kind of depressing that we (earthlings) haven't gone back since.
Now go watch the excellent HBO series "From the Earth to the Moon" and the movies Apollo 13, and "The Dish"!
My wife's been lucky enough to be part of two shuttle missions as a member of a group that had biological experiments flown, and was at Cape Canaveral for one launch and two landings. I watched a few landings at Edwards but was never able to get to a launch. A memorable moment from the shuttle program was being at work in the San Fernando Valley when the orbiter took an unusually southern track en route to Edwards. It was something to be sitting at work in the LA area and to hear the double sonic boom of a returning spaceship. I thought that was a signal that spaceflight was really becoming routine, but then came the Challenger accident.
The TV pictures were pretty bad, but I figured we were fortunate to see anything from so far away. Neil Armstrong's first step was dramatic to me; I had no idea what would happen. Would he sink into the cheese? LOL. Memories like that and watching football with my dad represent some of the best times of my life.
My bedroom walls were covered in Apollo posters, moon maps, mission schedules, the works.
I did manage to find someone who was selling a bunch of newspapers from the day after at a yard sale. (Got them all for $2.00).
Watching that happen on live TV must have been sureal.
It's amazing how many will embrace ignorance when there is proof that we were there..
I had a friend who worked on the NASA campus when the Apollo went up, he said it was like watching a 30 story build go into space.
His words, "If we didn't go to the moon, we sure went somewhere..."
This was right before High School. I remember sitting in front of the B/W TV in our pajamas. Glad it wasn't a school night!
Rich mentioned The Dish. An excellent movie as all our Aussie friends will attest to. I won awards there.
I picked it up at a Flea Market for 2 bucks, and I watch it about every four months.
Buzz kept his cool as long as he could until the guy started poking at him. A while back I read some of his stuff and he definitely is one of the most hilarious reads of all time. I can't believe that the Apollo conspiracy still goes on after 45 years.
The 'Castle' is just one of many Alien formations that can be found on YouTube with a quick search.
I know we landed on the moon because,
1: I could mail order a Moon Rock if i wanted to.
2: I did cut enough cereal box tops to actually order an actual plastic model of an Apollo Moon lander.
I don't think you could buy that stuff if we did not actually land on the moon...:cool:
...And it wasn't a bad flick...
Speaking of fakery, does anyone else remember the ABC movie "The Astronaut"? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068229/
The sad thing is this:
No man or woman born after 1935 has ever walked on the moon.
Yes, the number of people still alive who have set foot on the moon is rapidly approaching zero. As nicely shown here:
Same here. I may have been young, but not too young to appreciate Nancy Sinatra wearing go go boots and singing "These Boots Are Made For Walkin'."
Staying at my cousin's house that week, we watched the event on my uncle's new RCA TV. Said uncle had designed parts for Explorer I, and ran the Space Dynamics lab at the university.
I was very young at the time but I remember the moon landing well. My father took the day off of work and we sat as a family and watched it on TV!! I remember wanting to go out and play after a while of watching what seemed to be nothing going on. That desire was refused because it was "an historic moment for the history of mankind and we were going to watch it as a family!!" period, end of discussion, end of conversation!!! Looking back at it my parents were right. I still remember sitting on the couch watching the moon landing live on TV and I feel more then a little bit of pride knowing that it was "my" country that did it!
The closest I can remember since then was the first shuttle landing. I was in high school at the time and my brother, sister didn't go to school that day and watched it with our parents in the same living room. Both were life changing events!!!