Elev-8 DX8
Kyle ,
I will move it to Muli-Rotor as requested
I will move it to Muli-Rotor as requested
Ken or Kyle do either of you have an opinion on the matter?
Kyle is trying to direct all quad-hex-octot copter questions to the new Multirotor Forum.
But given that, I would put it in the project forum for now because most of us visit it more often. It can be moved later.
I'm trying to think of ways to promote the Multirotor forum..
Hmm. Maybe you should promote the Project forum too. This may be my second all-time visit here.
Duane, I would post it in the Multirotor forum. While I very much agree that right now the project forum gets more views; multirotor forum viewership will only increase if content is posted there.
EDIT: I for one recognize that the Forums are, in my opinion, can be difficult to navigate, especially for newbies (an issue common to just about every forum on the internet). I don't want to speak for other employees, so I will only say that I'm not alone in thinking that. That's part of why a Forums Upgrade is in the works! yay!
Kyle ,
Personal opinion here. Creating a Sub-Forum makes it MORE difficult to navigate. It will be lost unless someone subscribes to the certain forun.
I agree, and I also suggested in another thread that a "Multi rotor" forum may exclude other very relevant discussions about other types of airborne robots - there are also single rotor helicopters, fixed wing and others such as powered parachutes. My autonomous BS2 controlled fixed wing airplane for example, which forum does it belong in?