Intern at Parallax
During the last three years, i’ve been working as an intern at Parallax. Throughout this time, I have built and repaired BOE Bots, ELEV-8 V1s and V2s, and even a few enormous ELEV-8 Supers. I have visited the Parallax headquarters in Rocklin numerous times, and enjoyed the fun work atmosphere. On one visit, Ken Gracey and a few employees went outside to play with their quadcopters. It was awesome to see six or seven quadcopters flying together, weaving around each other in the parking lot. On another visit, Parallax was in the middle of a hectic scramble to meet a huge deadline for DEF CON. They had been contracted to build the hackable badges for the conference. Throughout the day, I soldered hundreds of badges, and by the end of the day had gone through half a spool of solder.
By far, the hardest but also most enjoyable thing i’ve been able to do while working for Parallax is build and fly the ELEV-8. I started with building a few V1s, and more recently a V2. I was then given the opportunity to fly at a local park with Ken. The quality difference between the ELEV-8 and cheap walmart quadcopters I had flown before was incredible. The ELEV-8 was Really responsive. As my ability to control the quad increased, I was able to fly a lot easier. After an hour or two, I could easily takeoff, fly in a circle around the park, and return and land in exactly the same spot. Unfortunately, I did have a few crashes, but only suffered a few broken propellers.
During the next few weeks, I will be designing my own mod for my V2. I'm an avid paintball player, and have been researching to see if attaching a paintball gun to the ELEV-8 is possible. It would be fun to use in videos, but even better in a paintball game with my friends. Flying around the forest shooting the enemy team is always a plus. The only issue i'm having so far is weight. It would have to be a paintball pistol that uses 12 Gram CO2 cartridges, and would optimally weight under a pound. Hopefully i'll be able to find a light gun, and mount it to the quad with a trigger servo.
Welcome to the forums!
What a great story. I would be interning if it were not 3000 miles away!
You have a great crew to learn from there. You may be disappointed with the work environments at other companies.
Understatement of the year!
Good on ya, Troy. You are living large, enjoy your Parallax play time!
Truthfully, Parallax probably isn't a good "first experience" because it's a bit too much fun and not disciplined. I'm a most terrible manager and I only hope these students come to us pre-configured with proper work ethic because I'm not good at adding it into their skills. It probably helps to first have worked for a big company where you are under appreciated, not heard, and casually told "I think I'm going to need you here this Saturday" a few times.
Troy is doing well
Ken Gracey
Set up an office for erco to teach them. Never mind, he's still a kid at heart.
I've also seen employee development handled either by HR or a employee's manager.
Don't get me started...
As long as Ken hires Troy (so as to not let Troy get disillusioned in the real world), all is well. No pressure, Ken!
Or as 'Unreal' called their big gun, the "Redeemer".
One ELEV-8 splattered against a wall, Another ELEV-8 was completely re-colored by Ricks maniac machine gun...:thumb::thumb:
[IMG] EXPO 2012-9768-M.jpg[/IMG]
Tommy I can't believe you remember the exact details. I think one ELEV-8 was in the air with a complete FPV setup wired into Ste 200, our main meeting room. You guys watched as Kevin and Nick flew around the region - something we just can't do today. Then, later in the day we were flying one outside that got a little out of control and Nick crashed it into the Parallax building. This was during the Parallax EXPO - a huge event that drew 2,000 people and cost us $50K to run. We're still getting requests from local families to do another huge event like that one. Problem is, it went over so well that we don't think we could top it.
Ken Gracey
Thanks erco! You just brought back memories of me flying the redeemer around looking for a target and my wife sitting next to the portal waiting so when I detonated she would go through causing me to waste it. And there was a mod we had that let you 'ride' the redeemer around. Ah, fun days...
Wonder if anyone would show up if you sold tickets at $35 for adults and $25 for kids?
I had no idea it cost that much to put on the event, I'm sure insurance was a big part of that. I did what i could, I dropped $200 bucks at the Parallax booth,
but you just kept giving away free stuff, or reducing the price until it was almost free...
You guys are crazy generous, I wish I could have done more and been more prepared for all the little peoples that showed up...
All I can do now is say Thank You! again, and order another 5 proto boards...:)
Agreed, that was a very memorable Expo. Parallax nailed it and it was great fun for me to present some stuff (like my BS2 printer and Flame-BoeBot) and meet Tommy, Ken, Matt, Andrew, Rich, Dave James, David, Tracy, and tons of other Parallaxians.
Good times and per Tommy, thank you Parallax!