How easy are iPhone, iPad apps to make for simple signals to the Prop via wifi?
I need to find out how to send a simple signal to a Propeller with these devices. The need is minimal. Say there are 5 buttons(graphics areas) on the screen, press one button and transmit a packet with packet header, opcode, data byte, checksum for example. No need for ACK from the Prop to the device. I have used Roving Networks RN134 devices and found that rather easy to setup, but it is pricey. Any other suggestions for the receiver would be great.
There's been a ton of work around this topic. Heck, we're programming Propellers over WiFi from an iPad so we should be able to get you the help you need.
Tell ya what - I'll summon the experts. . .putting you on standby while I seek some people who know the best way to go about this....
Ken Gracey
Loopy and I are playing with a cheap ~$20 router repurposing it as WiFi for the prop (amongst other things).
Hopefully when we get this working the way it should (the WiFi just sits on a network) it should be able to interface with any wifi device.
So an iPhone or iPad or Android device should be able to interface with it.
I did see an older thread where Ken and others were working on various iPhone/iPad software to control Parallax gear. I think this is what Ken is fetching for you.
I've been working with the XBee S6B WiFi module. It's really pretty easy to use with a Propeller board from the iPhone and iPad.
Hardware: The easiest way to use it is the serial port. Just hood the TX and RX lines together.
Software from the Mac: There are a number of documents from Apple that show how to read and write using TCP/IP. Check out CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost.
Software from iPad/iPhone: You can actually communicate with the XBee without using a Mac. techBASIC runs on an iPad or iPhone. There is a very stripped down sample app called WiFly Terminal that will work as soon as you change the IP address and port.
XBee API: The XBee supports AT commands that you can find in this document.
UDP: You can also use UDP to communicate with the XBee. It's a bit more involved, but has some advantages and disadvantages.
I don't know which (if any) of these technologies appeal to you. Let me know if you want to follow up on any of them.
Mike Westerfield
As mentioned, at some point Xojo will allow the creation of IOS apps and I love their platform already so it will be a quick transition, but they are still not ready.
It gives you much customization as far as buttons/sliders and whatnot.