New to forum... Just purchased an Activity Bot!
Hi everyone. My name is Don and I live in Phoenix, AZ. I am an embeded systems software engineer for a large avionics company and work mostly in C, C++ and Python. This will be my first robot. At my job when we are developing a new piece of avionics equipment, I usually only see a small part of the overall development effort. I decided to build an autonomous robot as a means to sharpen my embedded programming skills and also to get a feel for what it's like to develop something from start to finish. Also, it's just a cool little robot!!! Anyway, I look forward to sharing this experience with all of you and I'm sure I'll have a few questions along the way.
Great group of guys here.
I'm sure you already know about the Learn site:
It is updated constantly.
Good place to flex your C muscles.
Welcome to the Forum. I am mostly a lurker here, but I am learning lots of stuff from all of the great posters. I hope to learn some C and other stuff from yourself over time with what sounds like a wonderful background.
I also live in PHX and work in Scottsdale. Where I work is near the Scottsdale air park if that is near you, I will give you store address and we can meet and talk propellar!
Hi Don - Welcome to the Forums! :thumb:
Absolutely!, I'd love to drop by. PM me or whatever you're comfortable with.
Still working on getting one... hopefully by the end of THIS summer! Thanks for remembering me! Maybe we can get Don to help me with some of my code now that he has made himself known here!
Welcome to the forum. I'm working on getting into an avionics company. Building robots has been a great experience. The activity bot should carry you a long way, have fun!