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Know of any "top looking" modulated IR receivers? — Parallax Forums

Know of any "top looking" modulated IR receivers?

varnonvarnon Posts: 184
edited 2014-08-15 14:10 in General Discussion
Hello all,

I am using infrared beams in many of my projects lately. Sometimes I really like side-looking IR receiver, but there are times that a top-looking receiver might be nice. I have seen top-looking or 5 mm LED casing photoresistors and phototransistors, but the only modulated IR receivers I seen are side-looking. Has anyone see a top-looking modulated IR receiver? Our laboratory recently got a 3D printer, and although I can incorporate a nice square slot into many of my projects to accommodate the the modulated IR receivers, it would be much easier to drill (or print) a 5 mm hole like I can for the IR LEDs. Am I out of luck?



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