$5 Linear Actuators from... Walmart?
Posts: 20,257
Car door lock actuators, surely 12V. Motor, rack & pinion assembly for under $5. Far superior to solenoids. Just saw these, they have other types on the page.
$2.99 on ebay..................
The ones I've played with (tried to install Central locking in one of my previous cars) doesn't stay in position...
When actuated, they pull, then release the moment the power is disconnected. And they're not designed for continious use.
And they're 'full on', no adjustment by varying the voltage or anything.
Still, if you can accept those limits, they're pretty robust and should survive a long time of tinkering.
For a much longer stroke, you can find used actuators for moving C band satellite dishes.
Outdone again! Confound you, Mike!
Edit: Mike's $2.99 price is an auction. Here's a BIN for $3.64: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Car-Auto-Plastic-Universal-Heavy-Duty-Power-Door-Lock-Actuator-Motor-2-Wire-12V-/291144737051?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43c994211b