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Need Basic Help with SimpleIDE for XBee — Parallax Forums

Need Basic Help with SimpleIDE for XBee

ricrocaricroca Posts: 2
edited 2014-07-22 09:31 in Accessories
Hello --

Hope all is well ... I was wondering if someone could advise me on how to get syntax help for the SimpleIDE ... I am an experienced C programmer and want to use the SimpleIDE to write a simple transmitter/receiver pair using the XBee (32405) ... I just need to send a trigger signal from point A to point B about 50 ft away ... I was looking into the XBee UART Loopback.c program but I'm not familiar with the syntax and don't know how to convert it to two simple programs (one to transmit and one to receive) ... I bought two Propeller Activity Boards and two XBee (32405) units ... I tried to use the Full-Duplex Serial example ( but don't have the XBee adapter ... I'm thinking I should be able to use another Prop Activity Board instead but I'm not sure how to do that ... I have been using the Arduino Mega ADK for my project and initially thought of just interfacing the XBees with it ... one with an Arduino UNO where the trigger takes place to tramsmit the trigger signal ,,, and one with the Arduino Mega MDK at the receiving end ... I thought the SimpleIDE would be ... well, simple ... and was considering porting from the Arduinos to Prop Activity Boards ... but I'm not sure anymore ... any advice would be greatly appreciated ... Regards, Ric


  • CRST1CRST1 Posts: 103
    edited 2014-07-03 04:49
    All you need is to have the two xbees in transparent mode and connected to the props on two pins and the serial from your serial object will be transmitted and recieved like it was connected with wires (transparent). Without a usb adapter for the xbee, the correct AT commands need to be sent to the xbees to get them configured correctly to link together in transparent mode.
  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2014-07-03 11:31
    By syntax help, do you mean the library names?

    If so, open SimpleIDE Menu -> Help -> Simple Library Reference.

    For what it's worth: C syntax is C. C++ syntax is C with C++ extensions to C. Arduino Processing syntax is C++ minus lots of C++ no one uses minus key C elements used by C software professionals.
  • GenetixGenetix Posts: 1,758
    edited 2014-07-03 20:09
    The Prop. Activity Board has the XBee interface built into it and one XBee is set up in Loopback mode.
    The Loopback XBee only echoes back what it receives so it doesn't even use the Propeller.
    To make a XBee Loopback connect DO to DI along with 3.3V to VCC and Vss to VSS.

    This example is in Spin but you can see how to wire it.

    Unfortunately most of the XBee code available is in Spin which is the Propeller's native language outside of Assembly.
    I myself think Spin is easier to use than C because it resembles BASIC.

    Here is a good XBee text but all the code was written in Spin.
    Here is the code for the text

    The text was written long before the Activity Board existed, just so you know.
    The Demo Board has been discontinued and the Activity Board doesn't have a VGA connector.
  • ricrocaricroca Posts: 2
    edited 2014-07-05 12:04
    Thank you for the replies ansuggestions ... I will try and let you know how it worked out.


  • johnprokojohnproko Posts: 121
    edited 2014-07-22 09:31
    hello all. i have 2 xbees series 2. i read about having them on transparent mode. i have updated their firmware at xb24-b zigbee coordinator AT. is this ok? basically what i want is to send a signal from one bs2/prop to another bs2/prop.
    thank you in advance!
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