Differernce between fullduplex serial RX and RxCheck
Posts: 103
I'm trying to receive bytes from a xbee in command mode. When I send the +++ command and check the fullduplex serial buffer with Buffer[1] := serial.rx and Buffer[2] := serial.rx I get "O" in buffer[1] and "K" in buffer[2]. If I use serial.rxcheck they show up as two "." The variable buffer is a long aray. Why do I get different results just by changing between RX and RxCheck? Rx returnes a byte and RxCheck returnes a byte as long as there is a byte in the buffer acording to the docs. I don't understand the difference. Can anyone help?
Thank you
Thank you
I don't understand why RxCheck would be returning periods. You might want to post your code.
Negative ones will have the value 255 or $FF in all four bytes. When displayed with a TV or VGA object this shows up as the infinity symbol. I don't know what it looks like in a terminal window.
BTW, All Spin methods return a long. Often only the least significant byte is used but the return value is long sized.
This code sends back "OK"
What's the output from the extra code?
Edit: The extra code needs to be added to the first set.