What IR distance sensor to use ?
Well the motor driver took ages to arrive but im now about to fit that. Next step is the IR distance sensor, and I have no clue which i should get. Here is the ebay page Im looking at and they range in price from $2 to $20.
Could I get some suggestions please ?
Could I get some suggestions please ?
Sharp GP2Y0A21YK0F IR Range Sensor - 10cm to 80cm
For general purpose bots I use:
Sharp GP2Y0A02YK0F IR Range Sensor - 20 cm to 150 cm
I also use the following ultrasonic sensors:
Parallax Ping, Seeedstudio range sensor (red), cheap HC-SR04's
Hope this helps,
Apparently the're the real deal at an amazing low price.
I purchased some myself.
Looks like a good deal.
IMO, it's also a good idea to use an ultrasound sensor. The two types of sensors compliment each other. One can see things the other can't and vice versa.
For other ebay bargains you can always check under "Things erco made me buy" in post #9 of my index.
i just finished installing rasberian on to my sd card, now ready to put it in the pi A and set it up. im not sure what ill end up doing with it...drive a robot or connect it to a bank of relay switches
I'm sure there are ways to adjust the trigger point with these sensors. A voltage divider would be an easy way to reduce the trigger voltage (I forget if the voltage if directly or inversely related to distance). I'd think some sort of capacitor to Vdd tied to the signal line would be used to increase the voltage trigger. I suppose by the time you go to this effort you might as well add the components needed to do a proper sigma-delta measurement.
I haven't tried the sensors I purchased yet. I've been working on cool top secret stuff (hexacopter camera mount but don't tell anyone).