my illegal radio station that never was ;)
Posts: 794
This is just a short story, but true. After seeing on ebay radio transmitters around 50 to 100 dollars that have at least a kilometer reminded me of boarding school. I wanted to have a pirate radio station that would be so inflammatory the priests and brothers would launch an investigation to try and find it. That was after id built akit that had a range of about 2 feet
well i never pulled it off, but it would have been a hell of a lot of fun. Now the transmitters are everywhere and not very expensive with more range than a boarding school needs to allow other students (and teachers,priests,brothers to tune in)
I was going to buy one for my young nephew, then i ralised that kids are so connected with all the devices they have these days that nobody would listen to a pirate school radio stastion ;(
Boarding school was a lot of fun, midnight raids on the refectory for food to say the least !!!
well i never pulled it off, but it would have been a hell of a lot of fun. Now the transmitters are everywhere and not very expensive with more range than a boarding school needs to allow other students (and teachers,priests,brothers to tune in)
I was going to buy one for my young nephew, then i ralised that kids are so connected with all the devices they have these days that nobody would listen to a pirate school radio stastion ;(
Boarding school was a lot of fun, midnight raids on the refectory for food to say the least !!!
The FCC rules at the time limited output power to 100mW and an antenna length of three feet or less. Uh-huh... I spooled out about 30 feet of insulated magnet wire. FCC... Pshttt!
Don't know that anyone, other than me, ever listened to it, but it was fun. I was riding my bike all around town with my transistor radio trying to see if I could hear radio WARD! :-)
At that time, TV was fun!
I suspect a lot of those are going to people who want to broadcast throughout a large house with a large yard, farm, or institution like a school; the legal non-licensed solutions (Part 15 in the USA) for that are a bit underpowered. FM receivers are still very cheap and low-powered compared to other solutions for receiving such a signal; smartphones are nifty but their batteries die quickly, and cars don't come equipped with them by default.
Well, the problem was how to test the range as we only had one way communication. He suggested I join him on the beach one night and I take the receiver and a flash light, as we walked away from each other on the beach I could signal reception, or not, with the flash light.
I did not go but another friend did. Well, somebody called the police on seeing these strange flashing signals on the beach at night, suspecting some smuggling of drugs or human trafficing was going on!
They spent the night in the police station and my friend got fined for transmitting illegally.