How to Load QuadOpen Firmware to HoverFly Open
I would like to load Jason Dorie's QuadOpen firmware on my Elev-8 with a HoverFly Open board. However, I come from the other side of the controller world (Atmel) and have never dabbled in the Propeller stuff. So the IDE and basic operation is foreign and a little confusing.
I've downloaded the PropTool and I have the firmware and groundstation files and have been able to do a few things in the IDE, like:
1. flag Main - HoverflyOpen.spin as the "Top" file.
2. compile all the files.
3. use Identify Hardware to connect to the Prop.
How do you load all the files? I see Load RAM and Load EEPROM options. Which option? For all files? Any particular order?
Also, while browsing the code I see some things that are concerning and am not sure if they will be a problem or not.
1. Basic_I2C_Driver. Says no pull-up on SCL and SDA, but for the "boot EEPROM" a 4k7 is needed on SDA.
2. ITG-3200-Open-pasm. Says an ADXL-345 is connected and assumes Gyro and Accel are on a Sparkfun board.
3. RC_Receiver-Open. Mentions pull-ups.
Can I assume the code is compatible with the OPEN board hardware?
What about the accelerometer stuff in item 2?
Jason - thank you for making this code available and truly OPEN. (I don't think HoverFly knows what that really means )
Any help getting this loaded would be appreciated.
I've downloaded the PropTool and I have the firmware and groundstation files and have been able to do a few things in the IDE, like:
1. flag Main - HoverflyOpen.spin as the "Top" file.
2. compile all the files.
3. use Identify Hardware to connect to the Prop.
How do you load all the files? I see Load RAM and Load EEPROM options. Which option? For all files? Any particular order?
Also, while browsing the code I see some things that are concerning and am not sure if they will be a problem or not.
1. Basic_I2C_Driver. Says no pull-up on SCL and SDA, but for the "boot EEPROM" a 4k7 is needed on SDA.
2. ITG-3200-Open-pasm. Says an ADXL-345 is connected and assumes Gyro and Accel are on a Sparkfun board.
3. RC_Receiver-Open. Mentions pull-ups.
Can I assume the code is compatible with the OPEN board hardware?
What about the accelerometer stuff in item 2?
Jason - thank you for making this code available and truly OPEN. (I don't think HoverFly knows what that really means )
Any help getting this loaded would be appreciated.
It's been a while since I've used Jason's code so I don't remember how the accelerometer is connected. IIRC, there's at least one version of the code that doesn't use the accelerometer.
Do you have a link to Hoverflyopen.spin. ?
That's I already have that.
I thought Hoverfly opened their firmware.
Sorry.... Thought you were referring to a file in the zip called "Main - HoverflyOpen.spin"
I doubt that HoverFly will ever release that code. I think OPEN means you are free to write your own stuff to run on the hardware.